Experience:250mg DXM - DXM Itch and Trip Report

Experience reports - DXM

Dosage: 250 mg DXM


Today, I will be discussing my experience with Dextromethorphan and the "DXM Itch". We were also smoking weed/taking tokes throughout the experience. We went out and purchased one 250ml bottle of DXM no name brand syrup, we did the math and there was 750mg in total. We split the bottle between the three of us, me and my boyfriend taking slightly a bit more than our friend. We had done this syrup many times previous to this and this was the highest dose we had consumed yet. It was slightly difficult to drink it all as usual as the taste is absolutely terrible, but chasing it with Pepsi or some sort of dark pop makes it a lot better.

Once we had all drank our portions of the syrup, not long, about 20-25 minutes afterwards, I could feel the affects starting to come on. The first thing I noticed, as usual, was the slight pains in my stomach, almost a slight sick feeling that sort of feels like mild cramps. The next thing that I started to feel , was some visual affects just involving all the colors in the room beginning to stand out and look incredibly bright. The Christmas lights in my apartment began to glow and I started to feel more social. About 45 minutes to and hour in we were all feeling the affects of the cough syrup. Our friend ended up leaving not too long into this, and we put on family guy and continued our trip.

Not too long after this, the syrup was generally taking effect. All colors looked incredibly bright and everything was making me laugh more than usual, bong rips became easier to take and i found myself taking huge rips without even barley feeling the affects of the weed. Right around this point is also when the "DXM Itch" started to come on for me. I randomly started to notice my whole body becoming incredibly itchy. It started with the bottoms of my feet feeling a burning, itching sensation and then started on my back, my legs, my arms, my whole body.

No matter how much I would Itch myself nothing would relieve the itching sensation. I began feeling a really intense burning feeling everywhere that I was Itchy. I broke out into rashes all over my body and had too try not to let anything touch my back. This feeling ended up taking over the rest of the trip I had left (witch was most of it), and making it a very un enjoyable experience for me.

This lasted for a couple of hours before the Itching stopped and the affects calmed down and I began to feel tired and went to bed. The next morning, I read online about the "DXM Itch" and this is why i have decided to not do the syrup again.

Submitted by - Toocookedcookers

Effects analysis

  • Nausea - "The slight pains in my stomach, almost a slight sick feeling that sort of feels like mild cramps."
  • Colour enhancement - "All the colors in the room beginning to stand out and look incredibly bright"
  • Laughter - "Everything was making me laugh more than usual"
  • Itchiness - "No matter how much I would Itch myself nothing would relieve the itching sensation. I began feeling a really intense burning feeling everywhere that I was Itchy. I broke out into rashes all over my body and had too try not to let anything touch my back."