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PsychonautWiki Indexes (Experience ⋅ Psychoactive substance ⋅ Psychonaut media ⋅ Replication ⋅ Subjective effect ⋅ Tripsitting ⋅ Tutorial) ⋅ Drug-related (Entheogens (list) ⋅ Hallucinogens ⋅ List of non-hallucinogenic substances used in rituals ⋅ List of psychoactive substances to avoid ⋅ List of common legal psychoactive substances) ⋅ Practice: (Fasting ⋅ Lucid dreaming ⋅ Meditation ⋅ Sensory deprivation ⋅ Tulpa ⋅ Yoga Nidra) ⋅ Shulgin Rating Scale ⋅ Spokespeople ⋅ NetworkTutorials
Cannabinoids (Conversion of CBD to THC (By heat ⋅ with citric acid ⋅ with zeolite) ⋅ Cannabis growing techniques (Special lights)) ⋅ Psilocybin (Mushroom tea ⋅ Psilocybin mushroom growing: (indoor, outdoor) ⋅ DMT (Naphtha/Sodium hydroxide DMT extraction ⋅ Simple ayahuasca recipes ⋅ Ayahuasca brew ⋅ Changa recipe) ⋅ Acid-base DXM extraction ⋅ Fermented water ⋅ Extraction of opioids from painkiller products ⋅ Kratom resin/extraction tek ⋅ LSA extract tincture ⋅ Volumetric liquid dosingVisual effects
Acuity enhancement ⋅ Autonomous entities ⋅ Colour enhancement ⋅ Colour shifting ⋅ Drifting ⋅ Environmental cubism ⋅ External hallucinations ⋅ Geometry ⋅ Internal hallucinations ⋅ Magnification ⋅ Pattern recognition enhancement ⋅ Perspective distortion ⋅ Recursion ⋅ Scenery slicing ⋅ Symmetrical texture repetition ⋅ Tracers ⋅ Unspeakable horrors ⋅ Visual disconnectionCognitive effects
Anxiety suppression ⋅ Compulsive redosing ⋅ Conceptual thinking ⋅ Creativity enhancement ⋅ Delusions ⋅ Derealization ⋅ Disinhibition ⋅ Ego death ⋅ Ego inflation ⋅ Emotion intensification ⋅ Memory suppression ⋅ Mindfulness ⋅ Novelty enhancement ⋅ Personal bias suppression ⋅ Thought connectivity ⋅ Thought disorganization ⋅ Thought loop ⋅ Time distortionMiscellaneous effects
Auditory distortion ⋅ Auditory enhancement ⋅ Auditory hallucinations ⋅ Bodily control enhancement ⋅ Component controllability ⋅ Detachment plateaus ⋅ Machinescapes ⋅ Motor control loss ⋅ Physical autonomy ⋅ Physical euphoria ⋅ Pupil dilation ⋅ Sedation ⋅ Spontaneous bodily sensations ⋅ Stimulation ⋅ Synaesthesia ⋅ Tactile enhancement ⋅ Unity and interconnectednessResponsible drug use
Bad trip ⋅ Cold turkey ⋅ Cotton fever ⋅ Diet ⋅ Dosage classification ⋅ Dosage measurement ⋅ Dosage (Milligram scale) ⋅ Drug overdose ⋅ Drug withdrawal ⋅ HPPD ⋅ List of pharmaceuticals ⋅ Recovery position ⋅ Route of administration ⋅ Safer injection guide ⋅ Seizure ⋅ Serotonin syndrome ⋅ Set and setting ⋅ Sharing injection materials ⋅ Tapering ⋅ Trip sitter ⋅ Volumetric liquid dosingClassical psychedelics
Lysergamides (LSD) ⋅ Substituted phenethylamines (Magical half-dozen (2C-B ⋅ 2C-E ⋅ 2C-T-2 ⋅ 2C-T-7 ⋅ DOM ⋅ Mescaline)) ⋅ Substituted tryptamines (DMT ⋅ Psilocybin mushrooms) ⋅ Polysubstance use (Ayahuasca, Changa)Novel psychedelics
1P-LSD ⋅ 25B-NBOMe ⋅ 25C-NBOMe ⋅ 25I-NBOMe ⋅ 25N-NBOMe ⋅ 2C-B ⋅ 2C-B-FLY ⋅ 2C-C ⋅ 2C-D ⋅ 2C-E ⋅ 2C-I ⋅ 2C-P ⋅ 2C-T-2 ⋅ 2C-T-7 ⋅ 4-AcO-DET ⋅ 4-AcO-DMT ⋅ 4-HO-DiPT ⋅ 4-HO-DPT ⋅ 4-AcO-MET ⋅ 4-AcO-MiPT ⋅ 4-HO-MET ⋅ 4-HO-MiPT ⋅ 5-MeO-DALT ⋅ 5-MeO-DiBF ⋅ 5-MeO-DMT ⋅ 5-MeO-MiPT ⋅ AL-LAD ⋅ αMT ⋅ Bromo-DragonFLY ⋅ DiPT ⋅ DOB ⋅ DOC ⋅ DOI ⋅ DOM ⋅ Efavirenz ⋅ ETH-LAD ⋅ Ibogaine ⋅ LSA ⋅ MDA ⋅ MiPT ⋅ MET ⋅ PsilocinCannabinoids
Cannabis (quasi-psychedelic phytocannabinoids: delta-8-THC ⋅ THC ⋅ THCH ⋅ THCP) ⋅ Semi-synthetic cannabinoids (AcO-THC) ⋅ Synthetic cannabinoids (5F-AKB48 ⋅ 5F-PB-22 ⋅ AB-FUBINACA ⋅ APICA ⋅ JWH-018 ⋅ JWH-073 ⋅ THJ-018 ⋅ THJ-2201 ⋅ STS-135)Dissociatives
2-FDCK ⋅ 3-MeO-PCE ⋅ 3-MeO-PCMo ⋅ 3-MeO-PCP ⋅ 4-MeO-PCP ⋅ DXM ⋅ Diphenidine ⋅ DCK ⋅ Ephenidine ⋅ Ketamine ⋅ Memantine ⋅ Methoxetamine ⋅ Methoxphenidine ⋅ Nitrous oxide ⋅ O-PCE ⋅ PCP ⋅ Salvinorin AStimulants
2-AI ⋅ 2-FA ⋅ 2-FMA ⋅ 3,4-CTMP ⋅ 3-FEA ⋅ 3-FPM ⋅ 4-FA ⋅ 5-APB ⋅ 6-APB ⋅ 6-APDB ⋅ A-PVP ⋅ A-PHP ⋅ Amphetamine ⋅ Butylone ⋅ Caffeine ⋅ Cocaine ⋅ Desoxypipradrol ⋅ Dichloropane ⋅ Ethylphenidate ⋅ Ethylone ⋅ Hexedrone ⋅ Hexen ⋅ Isopropylphenidate ⋅ Lisdexamfetamine ⋅ Mephedrone ⋅ MDAI ⋅ MDEA ⋅ MDMA ⋅ MDPV ⋅ Methamphetamine ⋅ Methiopropamine ⋅ Methylone ⋅ Methylphenidate ⋅ Methylnaphthidate ⋅ Mexedrone ⋅ NEP ⋅ Nicotine ⋅ NM-2-AIDepressants
1,4-Butanediol ⋅ 2M2B ⋅ Acetylfentanyl ⋅ Alcohol ⋅ Alprazolam ⋅ Buprenorphine ⋅ Clonazolam ⋅ Clonazepam ⋅ Codeine ⋅ Deschloroetizolam ⋅ Desomorphine ⋅ Dextropropoxyphene ⋅ Diazepam ⋅ Diclazepam ⋅ Dihydrocodeine ⋅ Ethylmorphine ⋅ Etizolam ⋅ Fentanyl (N-(2C)-fentanyl) ⋅ Flubromazepam ⋅ Flubromazolam ⋅ F-Phenibut ⋅ Gabapentin ⋅ GBL ⋅ GHB ⋅ Heroin ⋅ Hydrocodone ⋅ Kratom ⋅ Lorazepam ⋅ Methadone ⋅ Methaqualone ⋅ Morphine ⋅ Nifoxipam ⋅ O-Desmethyltramadol ⋅ Oxycodone ⋅ Pethidine ⋅ Pentobarbital ⋅ Phenibut ⋅ Phenobarbital ⋅ Pregabalin ⋅ Pyrazolam ⋅ Quetiapine ⋅ Secobarbital ⋅ Sufentanil ⋅ Tapentadol ⋅ Tianeptine ⋅ Tramadol ⋅ U-47700 ⋅ Zopiclone ⋅ ZolpidemNootropics
Armodafinil ⋅ Bromantane ⋅ Choline (Acetylcholine ⋅ Alpha-GPC ⋅ Choline bitartrate ⋅ Citicoline ⋅ Meclofenoxate) ⋅ Coluracetam ⋅ Creatine ⋅ L-Theanine ⋅ N-Methylbisfluoromodafinil ⋅ N-Acetylcysteine ⋅ S-Adenosyl methionine ⋅ Modafinil ⋅ Noopept ⋅ Oxiracetam ⋅ Piracetam ⋅ Pramiracetam ⋅ Tianeptine ⋅ TyrosinePharmacology
Agonist ⋅ Antagonist ⋅ Antihistamine ⋅ Arylcyclohexylamine ⋅ Benzodiazepine ⋅ Isomer ⋅ Lysergamide ⋅ MAOI (RIMA) ⋅ Morphinan ⋅ Opioid ⋅ Phenethylamine ⋅ Research chemicals ⋅ Reuptake inhibitor ⋅ Releasing agent ⋅ Substituted amphetamine ⋅ Substituted cathinone ⋅ Substituted pyrrolidine ⋅ Tropane alkaloid ⋅ TryptamineNeuroscience
Acetylcholine ⋅ Adrenaline ⋅ Dopamine ⋅ GABA ⋅ Glutamate ⋅ Hormone ⋅ Melatonin ⋅ Neuron ⋅ Neurotransmitter ⋅ Noradrenaline ⋅ Receptor ⋅ Serotonin ⋅ Serotonin syndrome ⋅ Substance P ⋅ SynapseComparison of substance articles with other platforms ⋅ Comparison of psychoactive alcohols in alcoholic drinks⋅ List of bufotoxins ⋅ List of common legal psychoactive substances ⋅ List of entheogens ⋅ List of pharmaceuticals ⋅ List of polysubstance combinations ⋅ List of precursors ⋅ List of prodrugs ⋅ List of psychoactive club substances ⋅ List of psychoactive substances, and precursor chemicals, produced by GMOs derived from genetically modified organisms ⋅ List of psychoactive substances derived from artificial fungi biotransformation ⋅ List of non-hallucinogenic substances used in rituals ⋅ Naturally occurring sources ⋅ PiHKAL ⋅ Psychoactive substance by psychological effect ⋅ Shulgin Rating Scale ⋅ Schmidt sting pain index ⋅ TiHKAL
My first experience with unity ⋅ Becoming God (my second experience with unity) ⋅ The building blocks of consciousness ⋅ You do not need to understand ⋅ I designed it this way myself ⋅ A tall humanoid figure ⋅ Results of experiment ⋅ Oneness through meditation ⋅ To the dextroverse! ⋅ Ego death in the snow
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