Experience:3-MeO-PCP - Extreme psychosis

Experience reports - 3-MeO-PCP

  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Weight: 54 kg / 120 lbs
  • Height: 5'8" / 173 cm


York Bowen Symphony No. 2

It began with a night of binging 3-meo-pcp. I had been using a large amount of the substance working my way through about 500mg over the coarse of a month. I had previously begun to experience "the fear" for the first time, my first experience with it being that of sudden onset panic attacks consisting of intense fear abruptly waking me from sleep in a frenzy. These lasted only about 2 minutes each but they foreshadowed the ever escalating madness that ensued.

Now I had promised myself I would give up 3-meo-pcp due to the sheer intensity of these experiences, which were unlike any other I've felt on a drug. I am experienced with deliriants and salvia and various psychedelics but the deep pitted existential terror perpetrated by this substance was unparralled.

The only thing that surpassed the intensity of this fear was the extremely strong addictive qualities of the substance, and me being a dissonaut with addictive tendencies, I quickly found myself redosing frequently and dosing everyday.

Now when your on 3meopcp you don't get psychosis or the fear on the substance, when your on it you just feel extremely manic, you feel the psychosis and the fear when you are coming down during the tail end. When you think your sober.

And in one fateful night this perceived sobriety lead to the admittedly poor decision to consume a 20mg dose of 4-HO-MET after a night of long binging where 30-50mg of the substance was consumed. I weighed the powder out with the desire to listen to classical music and experience nice visuals.

I lay in my bed with my tablet as I began to come up hard and I struggled as a deep confoundment overtook me. I attempted to put on a piece of music: York Bowens Symphony no 2. This is a beautiful yet menacing composition that I was only able to get playing through extreme struggle. I remember thinking how difficult it was to navigate reality, my vision was deeply altered and it wasn't normal visuals. It felt as though I couldn't focus my eyes and my pupils were dilating in and out. I turned off the lights in an attempt to rectify the situation but it only made it worse.

I felt a great intoxication and impairment overtake me. I could not manage to navigate the tablet it was as though brain was unable to render the visual stimuli and i was left with a barrage of incomprehensible noise. the music made little sense to me in this state and I felt completely helpless. I stumbled over to my desktop computer after throwing my tablet on the floor and I crawled into the chair. Completely unable to comprehend what I was perceiving as a layer of unmanageable visuals clouded my field of view I managed to bring up the York Bowen symphony no. 2 only through muscle memory. I don't believe I was able to comprehend how to use the headphones unfortunately but this symphony would have an extremely large impact on my experience nonetheless.

This is when my psyche began to unravel. I was in a trance for a good period of time before the paranoia hit. I remember hearing church bells toll that didnt exist, play a melancholy tone. I perceived these as my funeral bells. I started hearing sirens blare and I could percieve my entire family exchanging exasperated concerns for my well being with deep Diaspointment "He did it again, dissociatives". I felt my heart race and i began to panic.

I could feel my family was on their way and perceived a phone call take place that I conversed in. "Yes this is the dissociative overdose hotline, beware of DXM abuse. They instinctually knew I had overdosed on 3meopcp, I vocally begged to live, I frantically tossed shelves and broke a picture frame looking for an antidote , all the while begging for redemption from God. I felt i was being punished for being a non believer. I screamed in horror as I fet myself talking to argent begging for an antidote to my fatal poisoning which was slowly encroaching towards my demise who exclaimed in an irritated tone "really ! Not 3meopcp! hold on I'll see what I can do Jesus Chris t!" I heard sirens blare and the tolls of death grew ever louder.

I was pleading on the imaginary dissociative hotline as i felt myself slipping away I felt incredible guilt and desolution. I felt as I had become a prime example of the downfalls of drug use. I felt I was the patient zero of a dissociative crisis. I looked at my computer and saw the youtube page with the header. York Bowen Symphony No. 2. I felt I was commiting "York Bowen" a euphemism for suicide. I screamed begging saying "I didn't mean too!". I saw pages of what I had become flash all over the internet and I was known as the person who committed suicide by York Bowen. I felt this deep tragedy as i felt my existence dissapear. Everything ever associated with my identity had become "York Bowen" I viewed articles of my demise it was as if my existence had been wiped off the face of the earth, and i had become the first person to die of 3-meo-pcp. I screamed FUCK. FUCK NO.

The worst part about it my death was that I would live an identity free life it an eternal purgatory where I lacked identity but roamed in a void of pitiful nothingness that was a copy of this world but nothing I did said or interacted withe over would matter and I completely lacked the ability to influence or interact with any aspect of existence, and that this was entirely eternal. I could hear sirens blare unbearably loud at this point and screams and the church bells tolled the same melancholy tone

I screamed and ripped more things from the bookcase throwing all its contents to the floor, exposing the mg scale . I screamed an anguished cry heard by no one and slipped into brief unconsciousness.

When I awoke I heard more sirens and a pounding on my door. I was naked when I woke up and the pounding grew ever louder. I had the perception that the police were after me for an imaginary Meth operation and i imagined the entire community mocking me. the pounding wouldn't cease so I opened up the door and was met with nothing. Nobody was there. The colors outside were incredibly bright and vibrant. After hiding all my drugs on obscure places. I fell out of this state of psychosis and fell into deep mania. I poured soap into my hair and lathered it up and then filled a bathtub with water. I felt on top of the world because i felt my actions had no consequence.

I felt as though nothing I did mattered because I would just die return into the flow of everything again and start anew form unchanged. I sprayed dish liquid all over the walls and ceiling for reasons I can't explain. I passed out in this tub while the front door of my apartment was wide open. I must of been passed out at least an hour. When I got out I decided i would just go outside to air dry myself instead of using a towel despite being completely naked. I felt like I was in San Francisco in the 1960s, a hippy throwing caution to the wind. Luckily my better judgement overtook me. before i went too far, a good thing considering I lived on a main road in downtown. From here I passed out, mentally and physically exhausted.

When I woke up I cleaned up the apartment, and then snorted more 3meopcp and proceeded to order more.

Submitted by - Cocoanatta

Effects analysis

  • Anxiety - "the deep pitted existential terror perpetrated by this substance was unparralled."
  • Mania - "feel extremely manic"
  • Acuity suppression - "It felt as though I couldn't focus my eyes and my pupils were dilating in and out. "
  • Pattern recognition suppression - "I could not manage to navigate the tablet it was as though brain was unable to render the visual stimuli and i was left with a barrage of uncomprehensible noise."
  • Auditory hallucination - "I remember hearing church bells toll that didnt exist, play a melancholy tone."
  • Delusion - " I perceived these as my funeral bells."
  • Internal hallucination - "I could percieve my entire family exchanging exasperated concerns for my well being with deep Diaspointment "He did it again, dissociatives". I felt my heart race and i began to panic."
  • Feelings of impending doom - "I vocally begged to live, I frantically tossed shelves and broke a picture frame looking for an antidote , all the while begging for redemption from God. I felt i was being punished for being a non believer."
  • Psychosis - "I screamed and ripped more things from the bookcase throwing all its contents to the floor, exposing the mg scale . I screamed an anguished cry heard by no one and slipped into brief unconsciousness."
  • Colour enhancement - "The colors outside were incredibly bright and vibrant"
  • Mania - "I fell out of this state of psychosis and fell into deep mania. I poured soap into my hair and lathered it up and then filled a bathtub with water. I felt on top of the world because i felt my actions had no consequence. "
  • Disinhibition - "When I got out I decided i would just go outside to air dry myself instead of using a towel despite being completely naked."
  • Compulsive redosing - "When I woke up I cleaned up the apartment, and then snorted more 3meopcp and proceeded to order more."