Experience:ALD-52 - Insomnia cure attempt

Experience reports - ALD-52

  • Date: Dec. 2016
  • Gender: m
  • Weight: 125kg / 275lbs
  • Age: 50
  • Etc: Research in the quest to treat my insomnia. Recorded as time went on. Single experience, not averaged


100μg ald-52 @ 3:30am

+40m body sensations say we are on the way.

+60m light(1/5) intensity assuming 5 is as much as I'd _like_ to go, but well rounded bouquet of promising effects. In contrast to my previously exclusively tryptamine based weeks, this is a nice change from the dominant body load they present me. The sensations are and balanced between head and body.

+75m famished!, light body load indeed.

+90m still getting stronger all around, 2/5 intensity, still rather balanced head+body. Trails visible on lcd mouse cursor :)

+115m 50mg atenolol due to slight atrial flutter and increased pulse(100bpm).

+120m pupil dilation surprisingly minor. A similar sensation on other tihkals tried would have led to 50%(?) more dilation. Pleasing surprise tracers walking about the house. + large tbsp cannabis oil due to knee pain. usual onset for this oil is 2-2.5h.

+140m legit yawn. This is a surprisingly relaxed state given what is going on within :)

+145m noticed that I’m still feeling uncharacteristically hypoglycemic. I rarely feel hungry. No real sign of enhanced peristalsis as with the simpler tryptamines..

+165m having a peaceful and pleasant time watching sunrise.

+225m visuals / head effects subsiding noticeably, body still in the state.

+240m pleasant visual trails surprise :) I thought the ride was over.

+270m feeling pleasantly sleepy, light head and body effects linger. At this point I'd expect a light-moderate contribution from cannabis oil taken earlier.

+330m enhanced peristalsis makes a showing :). It may have been contributed to by the cannabis oil. One pass resolves it though. It was much less enhanced than tryptamines.

+360m rather sleepy I could have napped, but was now in a formal setting… (9:30 AM)

+480m still feel the effects slightly, mostly body at this point..

+510 sooo sleepy not typical of this time of day for me @11AM…

Submitted by - Penelope


Overall a much gentler and warmer ride than the previous month’s tryptamine experiences.The head effects and visuals were proportionally greater as well. Very low peristalsis acceleration compared to 4-ho-MiPT and others similar to it. Significantly less body agitation during peaking, warmer post peak experience. Still no sign of tolerance 4+ weeks in.

This is my first foray out of simple tryptamines for the last month, and the difference in the experience was striking. ALD-52 had the fullness and warmth that I recalled from school time psychedelic experiences. It also had a much longer duration than anticipated. a 10-20mg 4-ho-MiPT experience can be over in dose_time+4h for me, this one went 6h+ and was it was still peeking its head out every now and then. I felt over all very relaxed, even sleepy at times, though I had slept the nights before. I snacked alot for me, esp in light of a psychedelic state. I was actually hungry at times.

Enough about feelings, sleep that evening went from 21:00 -> 03:30, so still rather good in my book. I felt a little sleepier than usual up on waking for a tryptamine therapy night, but here's to n=1 and all that.

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