Experience:Becoming a god with my boyfriend

Experience reports - 25I-NBOMe


Hey there! This might be long...

Anyways somewhere I at guess 2-4 hours in (I literally couldn't understand the figures on my wrist watch for a long while so i don't know for sure) I had loop in which I persieved my boyfriend and I to be two Indian gods (I am pretty much an atheist by the way.. maybe more agnostic nowadays ) that were creating the known universe over and over again in some kind of mutual joke, and every time we would cast ourselves in it and experience it till it ended and we would end up together on the same plain (that was in fact the bed, heh). And every time it got more and more fucked up (I think this, or the real, universe belonged somewhere in the mid-level of fucked-upness), untill eventually when a universe ended one of us would want it to stop because the joke has gone too far, but the other would just laugh, start a new one and go into it, the other one having to follow (love is a powerful thing you know ). At some point it became like a competition and I realized one of us would have to give up in order for it to stop (things in those universes have apparently gotten pretty bad by that point). I decided it would have to be me and I knew that to do that I would have to die (at this point I was totally disconnected from reality, it was all real in my mind). So I curled up at the edge of the bed and told my boyfriend that I'm tired and I couldn't do it anymore (funny he actually though I meant the trip, he had no idea what I was hallucinating), and I felt myself slowly slipping away while my bf is holding me in his arms, crying (I guess in reality he wasn't crying but he did hold me ). There was a terrible pain in my lower stomach and it got worse and worse till in was all I could presieve. And then it wasnt pain anymore, just... something, that got larger and larger and then I don't really remember what happened, I explained it to myself as just pure experience, from every point of view in the universe... It wasn't good nor bad, it just was.There was some kind of throbbing white thing (I don't want to say light) that was everything, that I later though of as "singularity", like before the big bang.

After dunno how much time (probably not too long cause my bf would get worried) I just... woke up. I was pretty shaken up, I really didn't expect anything like that and it took me a while to remember what the fuck is going on and that "I" was on drugs and back in my own single point of view.. Yeah that shit fucked me up even more for a bit (But a week after that I smoked some changa which really blew my mind and kind of fixed most of the mind fuck, yay drugs!)

I hope this was helpful in some way... Keep on the good work!

That was my first Nbome trip

Submitted by - Anonymous Disregardeverythingisay reader

Effects analysis

  • External hallucinations with Delusions - "I persieved my boyfriend and I to be two Indian gods (I am pretty much an atheist by the way.. maybe more agnostic nowadays ) that were creating the known universe over and over again in some kind of mutual joke"
  • Delusion - "I realized one of us would have to give up in order for it to stop." "I decided it would have to be me and I knew that to do that I would have to die (at this point I was totally disconnected from reality, it was all real in my mind)."
  • Nausea - "There was a terrible pain in my lower stomach and it got worse and worse till in was all I could presieve."
  • 8A Geometry - "I explained it to myself as just pure experience, from every point of view in the universe... It wasn't good nor bad, it just was.There was some kind of throbbing white thing (I don't want to say light) that was everything, that I later though of as "singularity""