Experience:Nightmare flipping

Experience reports - MDMA and DPH

  • Dosage: 150 mg of MDMA with 700 mg of DPH


Let me just start by saying that I love deliriants, and this is what made me try out this infamous "nightmare flipping" combination of MDMA with dyphenhydramine.

As there are pretty much no records of people combining the two I was unsure of how much MDMA to take, so I started low with a bomb of 100mg taken at the same time with 700mg of DPH.

About an hour in I started feeling antisocial and the slight impending doom feeling. That meant the DPH started to kick in, but I felt no sign of MDMA. I decided to quickly make another bomb while I could. I took 50mg more of MDMA with orange juice (tends to potentiate MDMA apparently) then hid away my stash and patiently waited.

Some time later I started hallucinating, but the DPH impending doom and anxiety has disappeared. This must be the MDMA's doing. Anyway the rest of the trip was just me deliriously tripping balls, talking to myself and trying to pee every 10 minutes. I don't normally hallucinate lots from 700mg because of my high tolerance but the MDMA seemed to have made the hallucinations a lot more frequent.

Would recommend this to anyone that enjoys deliriant trips and now that I know the combination didn't kill me I can confirm it is safe. Recommend 150mg+ of MDMA because any less tends to be overpowered by DPH. Enjoy the spiders!

Submitted by - DPH entity

Effects analysis

  • Feelings of impending doom - "I started feeling antisocial and the slight impending doom feeling"
  • Anxiety suppression - " the DPH impending doom and anxiety has disappeared. This must be the MDMA's doing."
  • External hallucination - "I don't normally hallucinate lots from 700mg because of my high tolerance but the MDMA seemed to have made the hallucinations a lot more frequent. "