Experience:Unknown dosage - An omniscient sphere

Experience reports - Mushrooms


Regarding mushrooms, the phrase "A place that feels as if you have entered the very inner workings of the universe, with the underlying source code of existence and the true nature reality presenting itself to you in the most incomprehensible manner" perfectly captures a state I have entered before, yet had been unable to put into words. In my own experience, it was as if I had dropped into a "room" or a space in which I came into contact with an entity-like thing. I can only describe this thing as a giant, all-encompassing, omniscient sphere with which I could interact with in an almost playful manner. I don't recall it every saying anything to me, but I simply felt its presence, and it was the most comforting feeling I have ever reached on a psychedelic.

I was the sphere. Interacting with the sphere wasn't me sitting there looking up speaking with it, but more a merging of what I considered "myself" to be with it.

While listening to a particularly uplifting song, I imagined myself flying through space, on to different solar systems and galaxies, bearing this sound, this beautiful melody, showing other civilizations the happiness humanity is capable of. I was spreading this light, bursting with love and happiness and all that is good about humanity. Conversely, a more negative thought I have had is viewing mankind as an insignificant speck on an infinitesimally small rock on the edge of a random galaxy. I thought about 5 billion years in the future, when our sun will burn up all its energy, and everything we have known and that is important will cease to exist. In addition to these, there was another time in which I felt like I was spiraling down a hole of thought in which I was postulating hypotheses and designing complex yet logical experimental solutions to answer these questions (I am involved in molecular biology, which is probably why these thoughts came up). I eventually came to the conclusion that there was something missing in my evidence, a piece of the puzzle that could not be filled by pure empirical observation. I thought of my bosses at work, and how much I respect them as scientists and how smart they were, but still how they would always fall short of true knowledge with such a limited outlook on life. Of course, I am just some guy who took mushrooms so none of this has any credence other than entertaining musings.

Submitted by - Anonymous Disregardeverythingisay reader

Effects analysis

  • 8B Geometry - "the phrase "A place that feels as if you have entered the very inner workings of the universe, with the underlying source code of existence and the true nature reality presenting itself to you in the most incomprehensible manner" perfectly captures a state I have entered before"
  • Internal hallucinations with Autonomous entities - "I had dropped into a "room" or a space in which I came into contact with an entity-like thing. I can only describe this thing as a giant, all-encompassing, omniscient sphere with which I could interact with in an almost playful manner."
  • Internal hallucination - "flying through space, on to different solar systems and galaxies, bearing this sound, this beautiful melody, showing other civilizations the happiness humanity is capable of. I was spreading this light, bursting with love and happiness and all that is good about humanity."
  • Outrospection - "viewing mankind as an insignificant speck on an infinitesimally small rock on the edge of a random galaxy. I thought about 5 billion years in the future, when our sun will burn up all its energy, and everything we have known and that is important will cease to exist." " I thought of my bosses at work, and how much I respect them as scientists and how smart they were, but still how they would always fall short of true knowledge with such a limited outlook on life."