User:PJosepherum/Cosmology - PsychonautWiki



So I'm sure you can imagine how matter is organised at scalar intervals: starting as best we can measure with protons and such being comprised of quarks and empty space; atoms being protons/electrons and empty space; solar systems being planetary/solar nuclei and empty space; galaxies comprised of solar systems and empty space; etc.

So this is matter organising into bubbles consisting of matter with space between, presumably held together by the fundamental forces (which are scalar modalities of the same phenomenon).

The "Big Bang" is a terrible misnomer - the thing doesn't explode. As the universe decays and approaches heat death, it does not then reverse the process to experience a "Big Crunch" - instead, the decay leads to a uniformity which is in no way differentiable from an imagined single point of infinite density (presumably what existed before the big bang).

The universe cannot begin with nothing and then evolve into something as this is logically inconsistent. It must "begin" with a uniform field of potential and then decay. Uniformity is not discernible from singularity (previously considered a single point of infinite density).

This uniformity develops a single deformity which, because of the huge pressure difference between the deformity and the surrounding uniformity, rapidly expands during the inflationary period we describe.

Over time this slows down and stabilises as matter organises in a scalar fashion into bubbles of structure, until it decays once again into uniformity, and the process repeats.

To reiterate

As the universe (full of matter) undergoes heat death, it increasingly resembles uniformity at all points. Uniformity causes compression of the formerly massive space into what appears to be an infinitely dense point (as the big bang is usually imagined to have begun).


Infinities are not real and are unnecessary in this model. However the universe appears to be infinite from our perspective - we cannot know how many times the universe has evaporated into a singularity and then precipitated back out. Since the system is capable of occurring indefinitely, it appears to be infinite.

Using only natural processes, a fractal of matter bubbles is organised which has no clear beginning or end - the beginning and end of the universe is relative as each implies the other


The disturbance in uniformity is probably not perfect or identical each time. I wonder what causes them, and if multiple disturbances can exist at once in the uniformity causing local cells of precipitation, like a foamy broth of multiverses.

Vertical matter organisation occurs at intervals in both directions. As it does horizontally through time. Uniformity need not be entire, but could be local. Imagine a bubble or bubbles of uniformity popping to crystallise into the quark-gluon plasma, which goes on to form matter and anti-matter (and this is just what we have observed in our own local universe bubble!).

Uniformity can only distort relative to itself. It can distort in any way that a sine wave can do so. If this uniformity goes on to develop a cellular structure, each cell can produce a different set of conditions which leads to approximately an infinite number of configurations. Perhaps the system evolves like the rest of nature - towards profitability and complexity.

There is no need for a creator to set all of this in motion. The logical existence of "nothing" requires its counter part of "something" - or rather, "nothing" cannot exist as it by definition has no properties, but "nothing" can only not-exist relative to "something". The universe began with an isotropic uniformity and decays fractally into all the complexity that does and can exist.


In the "beginning" there is ONE, which is uniformity, singularity. Distortion in this uniformity relative to itself (distorted vs. non-distorted) provides a binary function which can develop further complexity by developing further constraints. If evolution is universal as it appears (things that are beneficial to the existence of complex organisations continue to exist while those which are not beneficial decay)

As such, we have a system of deriving a universe from the concept of 0 vs. 1.