User profile:StingrayZ

Responsibilities are for pussies my friend (stereotypical Russian accent) - no offense my friends
I don't really watch TV, but if you think about TV shows then: Adventure Time, South Park and some other pretty trippy things
Mostly different kinds of psychedelic music, but I listen to normal peoples music too.
I cant read
Any game, in which you can't win just by having a good skill. I love games that put you under pressure, and of course different puzzle/physics games.
Haven't been playing anything in a while
Stuff, that you can find in most stores and markets but mostly in gardens.
More I got pulled in psychs, less I was drinking alcohol.
It's really hard to be that specific.
Raimonds Jermaks
July 21st
Right now studying software engineering and working as a IT guy in local Arts school.
Finished some IT stuff, and Mechatronics. Right now studying software engineering, just for the sake of coding knowledge involved so I can use everything I learn as a tool to create and replicate
I'm always have been person who sucks at presenting himself, so I can't say anything special right now. Kinda exploring life with some extra help from flow arts, psychedelics and something something else :D