Experience:300mg Cannabis Unity

Experience reports - Cannabis indica

  • Dosage: Approximately 300mg
  • ROA: Smoked
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
  • Weight: 84 kg / 185 lbs
  • Setting: Driving
  • Date: 15/04/2018
  • Misc: Regular cannabis user, no other drugs in previous 3 days.


3:45pm - Before I left my house, I packed a pipe with roughly 300mg of cannabis indica. It's about an hour drive, and I smoked about half the bowl.

5:15pm - Having spent about a half hour at my destination, got back in my car, and set out for home. I continued smoking along the way.

5:45pm - About halfway through my drive home I was thinking about mindfulness meditation, what I was doing in the current moment, and why I was driving home. I didn't need to be home for any particular reason, it was just the place I go when I don't need to be somewhere else.

My sense of self briefly transformed to be the entire region in which I'd been traveling, which was currently putting away one of its resources. The illusion of agency was briefly broken as I was a small part of a larger system.

After a moment I became lost in thought again and returned to a normal sense of self.

It seems rare to encounter unity and interconnectedness with cannabis alone. I've been practicing meditation and reflecting on the Buddhist concept of non-self for a few months, as well as contemplating the neuroscience of free will.

Further experimentation will be required to determine if this was a drug experience or meditative experience. Most likely a bit of both. I'm encouraged by Oskykin's report that unity is achievable without the assistance of drugs.

Submitted by Maethor1337

Effects analysis