Experience: 50mg Zaleplon (oral) - Untitled

Experience reports - Zaleplon

  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs
  • Misc: I will be taking this in my house with my roommate coming and going, but he will mostly not be here. I have experience with multiple stimulants, depressants, dissociatives, psychedelics, and cannabinoids, but none with deliriants. I will be going into this while completely sober, I woke up a little over an hour ago and have food in my stomach.
  • Timeline:
    • T:00: 9:32 AM
    • Onset: 5 min - 15 min
    • Peak: 30 min - 45 min
    • Offset: 1:15 - 1:30


T:+00 Ingested 50mg of Zaleplon powder at 9:32 AM
T:+16m Mild confusion and disorientation when doing normal tasks, similar to what’s present on psychedelics. Thought process is different closest description is mind fog.ybr/> I’m very calm, possible muscle relaxation. Just made a spelling mistake which would not happen sober (relaxacion instead of relaxation) English is not my first language.
T:+30m Visual drifting present in a symmetrical texture in my peripheral vision, when speaking the words don’t come to mind in time and my roommate noted slower speech.
T:40m Decrease in social anxiety while speaking to my roommate I wouldn’t check every word before I said it, could be considered disinhibition.
T:+45m Had a hint of dysphoria, I feel heavy when walking slight loss of balance.
Feel more clearheaded now for some reason, visual drifting, distortions and slicing are present with symmetrical textures, when I take my eyes away I have an imprint of the texture overlaying my visual field for much longer than they should.
Speaking is difficult as I can’t get the words from my mind to my mouth, oddly enough I can type just fine, rather quickly I should add, and words do come to mind for that purpose.
T:+1:40m Not sober but nearing baseline.

Submitted by Matteo

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