Lophophora fricii

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Please avoid harvesting peyote in its natural habitat.

Peyote populations are rapidly declining in nature due to over-harvesting by non-indigenous peoples. As a result, it is currently a threatened species.[1][2] Those who wish to consume peyote are encouraged to grow their own or use alternative mescaline-containing cactus species such as San Pedro or Peruvian Torch.

Lophophora fricii
Lophophora fricii var albiflora
Taxonomical nomenclature
Kingdom Plantae
Unranked Angiosperms
Unranked Eudicots
Unranked Core eudicots
Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Genus Lophophora
Species L. fricii
Common nomenclature
Common names False peyote
Active constituents Pellotine, Anhalonidine, Mescaline

Lophophora fricii (also known as False Peyote) is a cactus in the Lophophora genus. It is high in Pellotine and Anhalonidine and low in Mescaline. Habermann 1978a reported a a cultivated L. fricii nonhallucinogenic at 3 gm/kg.[3][4]

Description and Habitat

This species has been found found growing in two different habitats, on plains with xerophyllous scrub, mesquite and agave, and on limestone slopes and mountain topsis. This species has been reported to be endemic in the Coahuila state in Mexico. [5]

Alkaloids in other species

Alkaloid (mg/gram of alive plant) L. williamsii L. jourdaniana L. diffusa L. fricii L. koehresii
Tyramine 0.5 - 1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1
Hordenine 5 - 8 2 - 9 0.5 0.4 0.4
Mescaline 15 - 30 31 1.2 1.1 1.3
Pellotine 14 - 17 17.8 86.2 65.2 88.4
Anhalonidine 14 20.1 3.8 25.9 3.5

Study by Dr. Štarha in the Grym, Rudolf (1997) book.[6]

See also


  1. Martin Terry (Sul Rose State Univ., A. (19 November 2009). "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Lophophora williamsii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 
  2. José Guadalupe Martínez, Global Cactus Assessment / Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, M., Emiliano Sánchez, Jardín Botánico Regional de Cadereyta, Q., Martin Terry, Sul Rose State Univ., A., Group, C. G.-H., IUCN S. C. & S. P. S. (18 November 2009). "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Lophophora diffusa". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 
  3. "Cactus chemistry by species (light version; lacking photos)". 2014. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4715.8886. s
  4. Cactus chemistry by species | http://sacredcacti.com/cactus-chemistry/
  5. Martin Terry, A. (18 November 2009). "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Lophophora fricii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 
  6. Grym, R. (1997). Rod Lophophora: = Die Gattung Lophophora. Stanik [u.a.] ISBN 9788090093393.