Talk:Cannabis growing techniques/Archive 1

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Cannabis Cultivation

As a plant that has been closely associated with humans for several thousand years, Cannabis species have undergone morphological and chemical changes through plant selection and breeding techniques to adapt to the preferences of human species. The common overlapping of traits among cannabis species can make differentiation difficult, even among taxonomists. Many different strains require a varied amount of heat and lighting, it is best to know and research the specific strain to be cultivated, and its particularities. This is a general guide that can be applied to most marijuana strains.


Botany is the study of plants, the botany of cannabis is the study of the plant cannabis. It is useful to understand the botany of any particular plant one might intent to cultivate. Historically, botanical interest in Cannabis undoubtedly began as the plant became recognized as a source of food, fiber, and medicine. Archaeological evidence indicates use of the plant in China as a fiber some twelve thousand years ago.

Cannabis belongs to the genus Cannabis, the family Cannabaceae and includes three species, C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis. Cannabis is a rapidly growing dioecious (reproductively male and female specific) plant, that in some selections can reach heights of twenty feet, but are often flowered and harvested before that A wind pollinated, annual herb, the seeds, which readily germinate within a week, develop two seed leaves that are slightly unequal in size, narrowed to the base and rounded or blunt to the tip. During vegetative growth, male and female plants of Cannabis cannot be distinguished from each other with any certainty, although the female plant tends to be more stocky and flower later than the male plant.

Basics and Cultivation requirements

Females are the ideal sex for your plant, male marijuana flowers will have seeds, which reduces the quality and sale price. Male plants will pollinate your buds and reduce the amount of active compounds and potency, so remove males from females as quickly as possible. They should not be in the same room. Many people opt to eradicate their male plants entirely, but there are various uses for male plants.

Growth Medium





Growing Techniques



Large Grow

Small Grow



Large Grow

Small Grow


Advanced cultivation methods




Stages of development







Harvesting, drying and curing


Grow Tips

  • Master the basics. It is not enough to just follow steps. Get acquainted with why each step is taking place, to better understand the process, and to achieve better results.
  • Genetics play a large role in the potency of marijuana, always start with a good strain.
  • It helps to buy feminized seeds, while they can never truly have 100% guarantee, it decreases the odds of growing a male plant tremendously.
  • Grow from cuttings from healthy, adult mother plants. When you grow from seeds, you get both male plants and female plants.
  • Don't use peat moss, use soil from coconut shells. The soil is inert, meaning that there aren't any nutrients inherent in the coconut soil. That's perfect for hydroponic growers, since you know that the nutrients you give the plants are the only nutrients the plants are getting.
  • A water filtration system like a reverse osmosis system will remove all heavy metals from tap water, if you have a large grow attached to your water line (or if you water with tap water).
  • Filtered water is best to feed your plants with. This way you can manage what goes into your plants
  • With a large enough grow, it helps to have separate rooms. One for flowering, one for vegetation, and one for drying and curing.
  • Marijuana output isn't determined by the number of plants, it's determined by the number of lights. Good lighting is crucial.
  • Many marijuana plants will turn purple if exposed to cold during the proper stage in their development, this goes beyond strains that are specifically indicated to be purple.
  • 99.9% of the time you can tell how good a strain of marijuana is based on sight and smell alone.
  • You can use the clippings and cuttings from your marijuana to infuse butter for [Cannibudder] or you can make mash or oil out of them, nothing needs to go to waste.
  • Once the marijuana is dry, cure it for at minimum two weeks. The longer you can cure it, the better. A month is good.
  • The most important thing in the entire growth process is controlling the environment. Climate control is imperative. In general, if you maintain the temperature between 75 and 77 degrees and maintain 45% to 50% humidity, you're set for amazing marijuana. Deviations mean added time and lower quality.
  • Good Air Flow, and Good ventilation is necessary at all times.
  • CO2 is something you can add to the air of your grow room to increase yields, not quality.


  • It may be a persons first instinct to show off their grow, as the process can be somewhat exciting initially. This is a bad idea. Regardless of your areas legal status, the more people that know about your valuables the more likely you are to be targeted by criminals or police.
  • As a general rule, the larger your grow area, the better, but do not compromise the safety of your plants, yourself or those around you.
  • Humidity is extremely important to monitor. In general, plants like more humidity during vegetation, and less during flowering.
  • Since lights run very hot, run them at night, to avoid overheating the facility during hot summer days.
  • Do not over water, Do not under water. One of the most important parts of growing excellent marijuana is knowing how to feed the plant correctly, so use the nutrients in the way the manufacturer intended
  • If there's a heat wave or a mechanical failure, act fast. You can lose an entire crop if the temperature exceeds 120 degrees for only three hours. Pay very close attention to the plants at all times.
  • Different plants have different preferences, some plants need more light, some plants like it colder.
  • While cannabis growth also relies on soil, environment, CO2 and pest management, it also requires what professionals call "Social management." Make sure the people who interact with the marijuana are decontaminated and are wearing proper attire to not infect the plants with any sort of disease or pest.

Legal Status

Growing Marijuana is generally illegal in most areas where it has not ben medically approved. It is up to an individual to understand the laws in their area.


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