
Potential Physical effects:

Increase in pre-existing tactile sensations

This can be described as a mild - extreme increases in a persons awareness of the nerve endings across the body. This can result in an the pleasure derived from tactile sensations such as touching, hugging, kissing and sex becoming greatly enhanced, or it can result in an oversensitivity of the skin which causes the same sensations to become overwhelming and uncomfortable. Effects such as these are a near universal experience with psychedelics but seemingly non existent and unconfirmed for both dissociatives and deliriants.

Decrease in Pre-Existing Tactile Sensations

This can be described as sensations of Physical Anaesthesia and a simple lack of sensation and general numbness across the body. It eventually increases until nothing is felt and the body is completely anaesthetized.

This effect is universally present throughout dissociative experiences but currently unconfirmed with pyschedelics and deliriants.

Spontaneous Tactile Sensations (body high)

The differences between each differing style of body high can be broken five basic opposites of sensation.

  • Moving vs. Motionless – Feelings of tingling nerve endings will either fluidly move themselves up and down various parts of the body in spontaneous directions or they will remain still and consistent in their position.
  • Constant vs. Spontaneous – Feelings of tactile noise will either be constantly present throughout a significant portion of the trip or they will spontaneously and temporarily manifest themselves at random points for differing durations of time.
  • Sharp vs. Soft – Feelings of tingling nerve endings will either be perceived to feel soft, warm and gentle on the skin or sharp and cold.
  • All encompassing vs. Location specific - Feelings of tactile noise can either be felt across every square inch of the skin or in very specific locations such as the ends of the fingers and toes, up and down the spinal column or across/ within the head.
  • Euphoric vs. Dysphoric – At appropriately high dosages, feelings of tactile noise and tingling nerve endings can either be interpreted as immensely and overwhelmingly pleasurable or they can go in the opposite direction and become extremely uncomfortable.
  • Tactile hallucinations – This particular subcomponent of hallucinogen induced spontaneous tactile sensations is unique in that it behaves differently and feels as if it is generated by a different neurological mechanism entirely. Instead of differing styles of euphoric tingling sensations, these manifest themselves as hallucinations which occur across the skin. They are best described as feelings of physical things such as people or insects touching the body and in various places in a wide variety of ways. In addition these hallucinations can be felt as complex and structured arrangements of vibration across the skin.

The above effects are a universal experience with psychedelics and a common experience with dissociatives and deliriants.

Changes in energy levels

A persons energy levels can be changed in a way that is either interpreted as physically stimulating and encouraging when it comes to movement or physically sedating and discouraging through sensations of bodily calmness and relaxation.

Changes in Physical Perception

This can be described as not a change in the amount of tactile sensation that is received from the physical body but a change in the way in which our body is perceived. It can be manifested in three differing styles.

  • Increase vs. Decrease in weight – Feelings of a change in physical perception can manifest itself as feelings of the body becoming extremely heavy and difficult or sometimes impossible to move, resulting in feelings of slowness and sluggishness. In contrast however, feelings of the body becoming extremely light and easy to move are also possible, resulting in feelings of increased energy and a general sense of bounciness.
  • Increase vs. Decrease in size – Feelings of a change in physical perception can manifest itself as feelings of the body becoming moderately to infinitely larger in size. In contrast, the perceived size of the body can decrease and become anywhere from moderately to infinitely smaller in size.
  • This effect is extremely common on dissociatives, possible on psychedelics and specifically on amanita muscaria but is so far unconfirmed for deliriants.
  • Changes in the direction and intensity of gravity – Feelings of gravity changing in its direction and intensity are most common throughout high level experiences on certain hallucinogens. For example, feeling as if you are flying forwards, backwards, upwards, downwards, in multiple directions at once or in a singular direction that doesn’t make sense are extremely common throughout dissociatives, Salvia divinorum and high dose psychedelics such as DMT and Ayahuasca.
  • Shifts in felt bodily form - Feelings of a change in physical perception can manifest itself as feelings of the body shifting in its perceived physical form without any visual alterations. For example, feelings of the body folding into itself many times over as well as stretching, expanding and condensing into, over and across itself in extremely complex ways are entirely possible.

This effect has only been confirmed to exist within dissociatives and remains unconfirmed for psychedelics and deliriants.

Changes in motor control

This can be described as a simple increase or decrease in a person’s gross and fine motor control which can be defined as a person's ability to perform physical tasks such as walking, balancing, crawling, running, house hold tasks, instrument playing, writing, spliff rolling, etc.

Depending on the substance consumed, motor control can either decrease or increase throughout the experience. If it is decreased a general loss of balance and difficulty performing physical actions combined with unsteady and shaky hands will either partially or completely prevent the tripper from moving. If it is increased however, a greater sense of physical connection to the body will manifest itself, resulting in a newfound ability to accurately control every single muscle across the entire body with the tiniest of precise mental triggers and leading onto feelings of nimbleness and a sense of ease when performing any physical action. Another direction in which a person’s motor control can be altered into is a sense of physical autonomy. This can be described as movement not necessarily becoming any easier or more difficult but completely automatic in its processes, creating the sensation that the body is performing the actions which you wish it to act out on its own accord.

Negative side effects

Although most hallucinogens are a safe and generally a physically comfortable experience for the prepared, there are still certain hallucinogens that can come with a range of negative side effects which happen throughout the experience, immediately after it once the substance has worn off or both and it is important to note the specific part of the trip which these effects are felt. Negative side effects, “come downs” or “hangovers”, are just as important to document as the positive effects. There are a number of negative side effects and I have tried to list as many of them as possible below.

  • Nausea and/ or vomiting.
  • Head aches.
  • Jaw clenching.
  • Vasoconstriction.
  • Bodily aches and throbbing.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Serotonin depletion.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Dry mouth and dehydration (sometimes to the point where it becomes impossible to swallow).
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Difficulty regulating body temperature.
  • Abnormal heartbeat.
  • Temporary erectile dysfunction.
  • Dizziness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Muscle cramps.

Some of these side effects (particularly nausea and vomiting) may not be a result of the drug itself but the way in which it has been consumed and potential contaminants which may have been ingested with it. If you are documenting the subjective effects of any hallucinogen, be sure to differentiate between the two potential causes of any negative side effects which may occur.

Potential Cognitive effects

In this section I am going to break down and organize each and every one of the differing variables and subcategories of effects between the various cognitive sensations and alterations in thought processes which are experienced throughout every specific hallucinogen.

Enhancement of pre-existing state of mind and thought processes

This can be described as profound and exponential enhancements of a person’s current emotional state and perspective on the world. Alongside this enhancement of current state of mind there are alterations and enhancements of thoughts that allow people to look at them selves and the world around them with levels of mental insight so far beyond sober living that they are often capable of having life changing consequences. These enhancements and alterations of thought patterns can be broken down into 5 basic categories.

  • Thought acceleration - This can be described as the mental process of thought being sped up significantly resulting in an abundance of new and insightful ideas.
  • Increased connectedness of thought - This can be described as thought patterns becoming characterized by a powerful and fluid association of ideas with extremely wandering thoughts that are highly interconnected, resulting in the removal of any creative block as the thoughts begin to flow free.
  • Increased empathy and sociability – Many hallucinogens possess what are referred to in the scientific literature as “entactogenic” or “empathogenic” effects. An entactogen or empathogen is a specific class of substance which share an ability to produce intense feelings of empathy, love, and emotional closeness to others. Many psychedelics such as 2C-B, 2C-E, 2C-I, MDA, AMT, 2C-T-7, and 2C-T-2 possess entactogenic effects and certain entactogens such as MDMA are capable of producing psychedelic effects. These can be described as general feelings of:
  1. Increased sociability and feelings of communication being easy or simple.
  2. Increased urge to communicate with others.
  3. Increased empathy and feelings of closeness or connection with others.
  4. Reduced insecurity, defensiveness, and fear of emotional injury.

These very therapeutic and mentally beneficial changes are triggered by what feels like a complete breakdown of each and every one of our inbuilt cultural and social boundaries that we have all been raised into. Allowing people to truly express their emotions and understand the perspectives of other people whilst still maintaining full control over their actions.

Suppression of pre-existing state of mind and thought processes

This is the opposite of mental enhancement and can be described as an overall suppression of mental insight and normally functioning analytical abilities. It can be broken down into 5 different simplistic subcategories of thought suppression.

  • Thought deceleration – This can be described as a person’s thought stream remaining identical in its capability to reason and process information but simply becoming much slower in its ability to do so.
  • Emotion suppression – This can be described as a person’s current emotional state being suppressed and simply blocked out regardless of it being either positive or negative.
  • Information processing suppression – This can be described as a partial to complete suppression of a person’s ability to process information and logically analyse a situation in an understandable and linear fashion. This is something which can result in irrational behaviour, delirium and an inability to understand or speak in normal language.
  • Suppression of memory formation (amnesia) – This can be described as the experience of large periods of time throughout the trip becoming partially or completely impossible to recall after the tripper has sobered up in the exact same fashion that our dreams are often extremely difficult to remember.
  • Suppression of cultural filter – This can be briefly described as a partial to complete removal of our cultural filter. This is a psychological filter which exists within human beings and gives us a powerfully consistent, unconscious tendency to notice and assign significance to observations that confirm existing cultural beliefs, while filtering out and rationalizing observations that do not fit with prior beliefs and expectations.

This seems to occur on many psychedelics including LSD, Psilocin, DMT and Mescaline but is so far unconfirmed throughout other hallucinogens such as the 2C-X family, dissociatives and deliriants.

  • Ego suppression, loss and death - Put simply, the ego is a human being’s sense of self or “I” as intrinsically separate from and somehow more important than the external environment. Every class of hallucinogens reduce and diminishes the trippers ego proportional to the dosage consumed, meaning that as dosage increases the ego goes down with it. This is a process that can be broken down into 3 basic levels.
  1. Ego suppression - Partial failure of a person’s short-term memory resulting in a loss of focus and increased distractibility.
  2. Ego loss - Complete failure of a person’s short-term memory resulting in a complete inability to keep track of the present situation.
  3. Ego death - Complete failure of a person’s long-term memory resulting in an inability to remember any basic fundamental human concept including any sense of what the “I” even is.

Depending on the hallucinogen that has been consumed, the ego will be inhibited at different levels in relation to the visual intensity of the trip. For example, Ayahuasca and DMT will remain at level 1 ego suppression throughout level 5 visual experiences. In comparison, psychedelics such as LSD or Psilocin will set themselves at level 2 or 3 ego loss / death at identical levels of visual intensity. With other substances such as Salvia Divinorum however, level 2 ego loss can occur even at extremely mild levels of visual intensity. It is extremely important to note how proportional the inhibition of a person’s ego is in comparison to the visual intensity of the trip when documenting the subjective effects of any specific hallucinogen.

Inducement of previously non-existent state of minds

This can be described as triggered states of mind that are induced regardless of a persons state of mind prior to ingesting the drug.

  • Euphoria vs. Dysphoria – When hallucinogens have an effect on emotion they can either induce states of positive mental euphoria that can be described as mild to overwhelming states of forced happiness, often resulting in uncontrollable smiling and laughter. In contrast to this they can also induce states of mental dysphoria which can be described as mild to extreme feelings of depression, fear and paranoia.
  • States of Introspection - This can be described as overpowering levels of thought that consistently direct themselves towards an unbiased analysis of the self and one's actions, leading people to profoundly therapeutic and mentally beneficial changes in their perspective on themselves and the world around them.
  • States of Outrospection - This can be described as overpowering levels of thought that consistently direct themselves towards an unbiased and extremely insightful analysis of the external, leading towards a forced contemplation of subjects which regard the “bigger picture” such as life, reality, the past, the future, the universe, our place within it and higher systems of order.

These effects have been confirmed to exist within all of the classical psychedelics and are possible with dissociative experiences but unconfirmed with deliriants.

  • States of profundity, awe and reverence - This can be described as mild - overwhelming feelings of fascination and awe attributed to the external environment and everything within it. It can be described as a new found and deeply emotional childlike sense of wonder. Giving the impression that everything is profound and important, be it the universe, nature, life or everyday household objects.

This effect has been confirmed to exist on most of the classical psychedelics such as LSD, Psilocin, DMT, Ayahuasca and Mescaline but is so far unconfirmed across the 2Cx family, dissociatives and deliriants.

  • Unity and interconnectedness - In terms of how this state subjectively feels it can be generally described as a loss of perceived boundaries between the physical body and the external environment, giving the profound sensation that your central centre of self is no longer confined to the ego but attributed to everything within the external environment and ultimately the entire universe. It can be a temporary experience or it can be a permanent change in perception which lasts a life time after the trip. So far it has been confirmed to exist within LSD, psilocin and 4-aco-dmt but is almost certainly waiting to be documented within other substances.
  • Increased libido – Although any hallucinogen which includes the physical component of a positive enhancement of tactile sensation will directly increase the amount of pleasure derived from sexual contact if it is forcibly engaged in. Certain hallucinogens such as the 2C-X family will consistently cause people to look at everything around them in a powerfully sexual context regardless of social setting.

Time distortion

This is an effect that occurs in two different forms and makes the passage of time difficult to keep track of and wildly distorted. The first and most common of these effects is time deceleration and can be described as the feeling that time has completely slowed down. At its highest level this can increase until the passage of time stops completely.

The second form is known as time acceleration and can be described as the experience of time speeding up and passing much quicker than it generally should.

Visual effects:

In this section I am going to break down and organize each and every one of the differing variables between the various visual enhancements, effects and alterations which are experienced throughout every specific hallucinogen.

Enhancement of Vision

This can be described as an overall increase in the level of visual input attributed to the external environment that a person experiences and is manifested in a couple of different ways.

  • Enhanced visual acuity - A sharp increase in visual acuity which can be described as a new found ability to comprehend the entire visual field at once, including the peripheral vision. This results in the level of visual detail attributed to external the environment heightening to the point where the edges of objects become extremely well defined.
  • Enhanced colour perception – This can be described as colours becoming indescribably bright and vivid. Reds will seem “Redder”, Greens will seem “Greener” and all colours will be become much more distinct, powerful and intense than they usually are.
  • Pattern recognition enhancement – This can be described as people suddenly noticing patterns and textures that they may have never previously appreciated or paid any attention to before. For example when looking at a carpet, a pavement or tree barks the complexity and beauty of the texture suddenly becomes obvious.

The above components are a universal experience on psychedelic substances but non existent with dissociatives and deliriants.

Suppression of vision

This can be described as an overall increase in the level of visual input attributed to the external environment that a person experiences and is manifested in a total of 3 different ways.

  • Visual acuity suppression – This can be described as vision becoming partially or completely blurred and indistinct.
  • Double vision – This can be described as doubled vision that makes fine vision and reading essentially impossible unless the tripper closes one eye.
  • Pattern recognition suppression – This can be described as the registering of objects and concepts becoming partially to completely suppressed. Resulting in the mental process of recognizing objects and sensory input for what they are becoming slowed down or halted completely.

The above components are confirmed to exist within both dissociatives and deliriants but non existent within psychedelics.

Visual distortions

This subcomponent can be generally described as open eye alterations and changes in perception attributed to pre-existing stimuli such as the external environment appearing to breath, melt, flow and warp. They can also present themselves as alterations in depth perception, colour shifting and tracers. All these distortions come in a variety of different styles but each of these can be broken down into a few basic subcomponents and rules which are described below.

  • Visual drifting - This can be described as the experience of the objects and scenery appearing to become progressively warped and morphed across the visual field in a variety of complex ways. It’s important to note the exact level of visual drifting (1 – 4) which has occurred throughout the trip. Visual drifting may come in a huge variety of styles depending on the substance consumed. It has been confirmed as an almost universal experience throughout every psychedelic, but is unconfirmed with dissociatives and available in only mild forms on deliriants such as DPH. Each of these can be broken down into a few basic subcomponents and rules which are described below.
  1. Intricate vs. Simplistic – In terms of their complexity, distortions will either alter the external environment in a way that spreads out in many different directions and results in the original piece of sensory input becoming completely unrecognisable in appearance. If not, they will be simplistic in nature and stick to simple warping, wiggling and bending even at high dosages.
  2. Slow vs. Fast – Distortions can manifest themselves as something that progress in their visual alterations at a fast and sudden rate or gradually and slowly as a person stares into it.
  3. Smooth vs. Jittery – In terms of their motion, distortions can manifest themselves as a smooth and flawless transition or jittery with an extremely slow frame rate that moves in sudden and partial transitions.
  4. Static vs. Fleeting – In terms of their permanence, distortions will either maintain their position until the tripper double takes or will be extremely fleeting in their nature, meaning that they will reset almost as soon as a person tries to look directly at it.
  5. Realistic vs. Unrealistic – Distortions will either look convincing in their appearance or extremely cartoon like and unrealistic.
  • Depth perception distortions - This is where the depths and distances of the scenery in front of you are swapped and reordered. A classic example of this is when objects in the background come into the foreground and objects in the foreground get pushed into the background. This effect is common throughout most psychedelics but so far unconfirmed with both dissociatives and deliriants.
  • Shifting colours – This effect can be described as the colours of an object appearing to cycle through every possible colour in a looped animation. It is common throughout most psychedelics but particularly common on LSD and so far unconfirmed with dissociatives and deliriants.
  • Tracers – This effect can be described as the experience of trails being left behind moving objects. It is important to note the level of visual intensity (1 – 4) which these tracers are manifested at and their colour in comparison to the moving object itself. This effect is found almost universally on every psychedelic but is so far unconfirmed with both dissociatives and deliriants.
  • Symmetrical texture repetition – This can be described as rough textures and patterns becoming mirrored repeatedly over its surface in an extremely intricate and symmetrical fashion that is consistent across itself. Certain hallucinogens such as LSD, Psilocin and many other psychedelics present this visual alteration as extremely complex in nature even at lower dosages where as other substances such as AMT or 2C-I will present it as simplistic and bland even at higher dosages. This effect is so far unconfirmed on both dissociatives and deliriants.
  • Perspective distortions – These can be described as felt changes in perspective attributed to the external environment which can alter the size in a way that makes it seem significantly smaller or larger than it actually is, or they can alter the distance between yourself and objects / scenery to make them seem further or closer away. They are common on dissociatives, rare on psychedelics and unconfirmed with deliriants.
  • Scenery slicing – This can be described as the external environment spontaneously being split and cut into sections with extremely clean edges.It differs from experience to experience in terms of how many sections the external environment is sliced into and the shape or complexity of their edges. For example a person’s field of vision could be split into 3 basic horizontal lines or a series of interwoven spirals. This visual is currently confirmed on psychedelics but rare and seemingly triggered at random. It is more common on dissociatives but still never consistently triggered and so far unconfirmed with deliriants.

Visual geometry

This subcomponent is commonly referred to by the psychonautic community as “visuals”. They are broken into 6 distinct levels of intensity and can be described as the sensation of a person’s field of open and closed eye vision being partially or completely encompassed by fast-moving kaleidoscopic and indescribably complex geometric patterns, form constants, shapes, fractals, structures and colour. Visuals manifest themselves in a variety of different styles but each of these can be broken down into a few basic subcomponents and rules which are described below.

  • Intricate vs. Simplistic – Visuals will either present themselves as incomprehensibly intricate and complex in their appearance or simplistic and comprehensible even at higher dosages.
  • Algorithmic vs. Organic – In terms of their content, visuals will either appear to follow mathematical rules and logically consistent geometry, often resulting in high amounts of fractals and semi predictable shapes. This is most common on substances such as LSD and the 2C-X family.

In contrast to this, visuals can also be completely random in their geometry and appearance in a way that contains infinite amounts of completely unpredictable variety. This is most common on substances such as Psilocin and DMT.

  • Structured vs. Unstructured – Visuals will either present themselves across a flat veil of geometry or they will form into an infinite variety of 3-Dimensional mechanistic rotating and ever shifting structures that are comprised out of a material based on condensed visuals.
  • Colourful vs. Monotone – The colour scheme that visuals follow will range from extremely varied and multi coloured in style to consisting almost entirely of blues and greys regardless of how high the dosage may be. Below this visuals will consist of dark purples and blacks that are difficult to make out from their background.
  • Flat colours vs. Glossy colours – Separate from the variety of colour contained within visual geometry, colours will either be flat and bright or glossy with high lights and shading regardless of the dosage consumed.
  • Sharp edges vs. Soft edges – Visuals will either have sharp extremely well defined around their perimeter, sometimes with thick black outlines around their edges. In contrast to this, they can be soft and blurred around their edges, merging seamlessly into each other in a way that does not affect their intricacy.
  • Large vs. Small – In terms of their size, visuals can be extremely large and zoomed in or fine and zoomed out in a way that does not affect their level of intricacy.
  • Fast vs. Slow – Movement wise, visuals can shift and morph so fast into themselves that the amount of information presented to the tripper in extremely short periods of time becomes incomprehensible to process.

In contrast to this, they can move slowly and comprehensibly, swirling and shifting into themselves to present ever changing geometric forms that can be observed in a much higher level of detail.

  • Round corners vs. Angular corners – Visuals will either have mostly rounded and circular corners or mostly sharp corners with pointed and angular geometry.
  • Immersive vs. Non-immersive – Visuals can be manifested in front of your face on a field of vision that feels separate from you, as if it was beings presented on some sort of television screen or they can feel as if you are completely immersed in and surrounded by them.
  • Psychedelics usually generate non-immersive visuals but are capable of becoming immersive at appropriately high dosages. Dissociative visuals however seem to be strictly immersive even at mild to moderate levels of tripping.
  • Level 6A vs. Level 6B – At their sixth and highest level of experience visuals are capable of branching off into two different directions of equal intensity.
  1. The first of these is level 6A – exposure to semantic concept network and the second of these is level 6B – exposure to the inner mechanics of consciousness. So far, level 6A visuals have been confirmed this state has been confirmed to manifest itself throughout most high dose Psilocin and Mescaline trips and at least occasionally on 2C-E.

Visual geometry is present throughout every class of hallucinogen in varying levels of intensity. It is a universal experience on psychedelic substances, a common experience with dissociative experiences and an occasional experience with deliriants.

Imagery, transformations and hallucinations

Every single category of hallucinogen is capable of producing vivid hallucinatory states at appropriately high dosages at 3 distinct levels of intensity. The upper two levels of which can be defined as the manifestation of an infinite variety of internally stored concepts in a fashion that feels almost identical to dreams. They are capable of becoming completely realistic and fully 3-Dimensional in their detail and generally consist of imagery, imagined land scapes, concepts, scenarios and contact with autonomous entities. They are presented in a number of different styles depending on the class of hallucinogen or specific substance consumed but can be broken down into a few basic rules and subcomponents of description.

  • External vs. Internal – Hallucinations can be presented in two different ways. External hallucinations will manifest themselves seamlessly within the external environment as fully formed delusions. These are extremely common on deliriants but uncommon and rare on psychedelics and dissociatives.

In contrast, internal hallucinations only present themselves when the tripper has reached such a high level that they have broken through and are no longer within or aware of the external environment. This means that they have progressive levels of multiple all-encompassing sensory effects, before reaching the level of concrete hallucination.

  • Lucid vs. Delirious - Hallucinatory states can maintain a consistent level of awareness throughout them regarding the fact that none of these event are really happening and that the current situation is simply a result of drug induced hallucination. In contrast to this, hallucinations can also become completely believable no matter how nonsensical they may be in exactly the same way that we do not have any problem accepting absurd and non linear plots within our dreams.
  • Interactive vs. Fixed – Hallucinatory states can either present themselves to you as completely separate in a manner that is similar to watching a video play out in your field of vision or they can be completely interactive. For example, conversing with autonomous entities or manually exploring landscapes in a fashion similar to a lucid dreaming is entirely possible.
  • New experiences vs. Memory replays – In terms of their subject matter, hallucinations can either be entirely new experiences that are completely impossible to compare to anything previously experienced through out sober living or they can follow themes of normal every day concepts and a replaying of specific of memories.
  • Controllable vs. Autonomous – Imagery and hallucinations are often partially to fully controllable, this can be described as the content of their appearance always seeming to follow and fit the general topic and subject matter of your current thought stream. This allows you to visually manifest any concept which you can possibly imagine in front of your field of vision.

In contrast, autonomous hallucinations are completely spontaneous in their subject matter and uncontrollable in every way. Hallucinations which are controllable do not yet seem to be found within dissociatives or deliriants and can be found on occasion within any psychedelic but are more common with LSA, 2C-E, Harmine and Ayahuasca.

  • Embedded vs. Separate – Hallucinations can appear as completely separate and distinct from the experience visual geometry or they can be comprised of it and embedded within it.

Audible effects:

In this section I am going to break down and organize each and every one of the differing variables between the various sensory enhancements, effects and alterations of sound that are experienced throughout every class of hallucinogen.

Audial enhancement

This can be described as the sensation of sound becoming vastly crisper and clearer than anything felt during normal sober living and the sudden feeling of being extremely aware of all of the sounds around you, with an enhanced ability to pinpoint the exact direction from which multiple layers of noise are coming from. This often results in a greatly enhanced appreciation for music and is an effect which seems to be consistently present throughout any psychedelic experience. It is occasionally present on dissociatives but unconfirmed with deliriants.

Audial suppression

This can be described as the sensation of sound becoming partially to completely muffled and indistinct. It is essentially unheard of with psychedelics and deliriants but extremely common throughout the classical dissociatives such as DXM, MXE, Ketamine and PCP.

Audio distortions

This can be described as alterations of pre-existing sound, commonly manifesting itself as the experience of an echo or murmur rising in the wake of each sound, accompanied by distorted changes of pitch. These increase proportionally with dosage up until the original sound is completely unrecognisable.

They are found throughout each class of hallucinogen but are more prevalent with certain substances such as Mescaline and DiPT than others.

Audio hallucinations

Audio hallucinations are essentially the heard equivalent of imagery and open eye transformations. They can be described as spontaneous imaginary noises that are either triggered at complete random or manifested in the place of noises that are subconsciously expected to happen. The most common examples of these are usually experienced as clips of recorded sound such as imagined music or voices. At their lowest level, voices and music appear to be garbled but distinct, with the voices sounding devoid of meaning and the music difficult to make out. At their highest levels however, they eventually evolve into completely coherent hallucinations such as heard conversations with spirits and autonomous entities or fully formed and completely original, extremely detailed symphonies and songs with multiple perfectly played instruments that have never been heard before.

This particular component of hallucinogen induced audial effects is almost universal on deliriants, common on psychedelics and so far unconfirmed with dissociatives.

Audio effects

This effect can be described as hearing an infinitely wide array of random and nonsensical sounds from within the brain. Sometimes fleeting and seemingly triggered at random but other times maintaining an internal consistency that follows and fits itself around the rhythm of a persons thought processes. Common examples of these include hearing noises such as; reverb, tones, and general sound effects. Including pitches and notes that increase in intensity the harder you concentrate. They can also be experienced in the form of sounds such as a soft purring or multiple tones and phasers, but they are essentially limitless in their possibilities in and completely rhythm-less in tune. These are confirmed to exist on both psychedelics and dissociatives but unconfirmed with deliriants. They are most common on Nitrous Oxide, Harmine, DMT and 2C-E.

Multi Sensory effects:

In this section I am going to break down and describe the effects which exclusively occurs across multiple senses at once.


This is known as synaesthesia and is defined as a blending, merging or mixing of the senses. For example, alterations to sensory perception such as seeing music, tasting colors, hearing smells or any other possible combination of the senses are all possible. At its highest level, synaesthesia becomes so all-encompassing that every one of senses becomes completely intertwined and experienced through all of the other senses. This is a complete blending of human perception and extremely profound when experienced.

It is triggered spontaneously on most of the classical psychedelics and unconfirmed with dissociatives and deliriants, seemingly more common on stimulating psychedelics such as LSD or the 2Cx family.

Dissociation and detachment

Feelings of dissociation and detachment from the senses, the external environment and the mind are extremely common on dissociative hallucinogens. It can be broken down into 5 distinct levels of disconnection starting with feeling generally separate from the external world and eventually leading onto complete detachment and out of body experiences.

It is extremely important to note which of level of detachment (1 – 5) is present throughout the trip. Feelings of detachment and dissociation are a universal experience throughout every dissociatives including ketamine, MXE, DXM, PCP and Nitrous as well as Salvia divinorum.

At level 3 and above, these feelings of detachment and out of body experiences are capable of triggering a specific component of the dissociative experience known as Hallucinatory structures. It is extremely important to note not just the level of visual intensity (1 – 4) which these structures are occurring at but also the methods of transition which are being used to switch between them. Hallucinatory structures usually manifest themselves in differing styles but are generally quite similar. Changing in their colour scheme, darkness, clarity and complexity depending on the substance consumed.

So far, these have been confirmed to be consistently found on dissociatives such as MXE, DXM, Ketamine and PCP as well as Salvia and potentially ibiogaine.