User:Oskykins - PsychonautWiki
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Account information
Contact details

Feel free to contact me. I am usually on the wiki's irc channel under the usernames oscarette or oskykins. You can also email me at


"Every drug, legal or illegal, provides some reward. Every drug presents some risk. And every drug can be abused. Ultimately, in my opinion, it is up to each of us to measure the reward against the risk and decide which outweighs the other." - Alexander Shulgin

Notes for the wiki

Trip reports

Other information

Fight Club


Adventure Time, Rick and Morty


Vanessa Carlton, Stars, Bluetech, Shpongle, OTT, Tally Hall, Metric, Regina Spektor



Video games

Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Portal




Tea, booze.


Edits 17,576
Votes 1
Comments 1
Personal information
Real name

Jenny Kins ♥


Princess Cannabis from the Cannabis Kingdom by User:josikins

Durham, North Carolina,


Madison, Wisconsin,


July 27th


Tripping balls in the name of science for the good of the cosmos

Places I have lived

I have lived in:

  • United Kingdom with Josikins
  • North Carolina with Josikins and Kaylee
About me

Hi there, I'm one of the wiki's founders and have been involved in this project since 2013 alongside my wife Josikins.

I have dedicated my life to this site because I sincerely hope that it will help others and make a small difference in the world.

In terms of my responsibilities for the wiki, I am in charge of all editorial work including overseeing all edits that are made, quality control, proofreading, copy-editing, and fact checking. I am also responsible for writing harm reduction information (including the responsible drug use section) as well as general content production, site moderation, and the direction/future of both PsychonautWiki and DEIS.

Feel free to write a message on my board with any concerns about the site or questions regarding how to edit the wiki, etc. I'm here to help. :) <3

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posted 1699 days ago

Like Groovehunter - thanks for the welcome, which I just read, in my case 1388 days ago. :) And many, many thanks for this wiki, it has been tremendously helpful, and with the new logo it's even more pleasant to visit.

posted 1830 days ago

Hi hello, thanks for your welcome, which I just read, you "posted 1602 days ago". :-) Well, thanks for your work and let's see if I can contribute, translate (as soon as it is ready); You seem to be a brave human being and we need those in current era. <3 hugs, Florian

posted 2643 days ago

Tank you.

posted 2710 days ago

Hi there.

I figured, seeing as you seem to know your way around here, that you might be able to advise me on how I can add a romantic partner. I've seen it as something which can be done and my partner and I just signed up today.

I'm always interested in status climbing on drug oriented online fora, so I figure it would be a good idea for her and I to take advantage of the points on offer. I also think it would help us to make it clear to other users that we're not on the market, as such unwanted advances can be tiresome when one is engaging in a community such as this.

Thanks in advance for your help.

posted 2825 days ago

I've added the sections that I think need to be emphasized the most and have added a few sources as well. Is there anything you would like to add? I will be busy this weekend (exams), so I wont have as much time to fine tune the page as I thought. There is helpful harm reduction information on the page as of now that I think would be beneficial to the public. Take a look at it and let me know if you'd like me to add more!

If there's nothing major you'd like to add go ahead and move it out of the talk page, I think that this is important information to have out there as most people dont think of water supplies and spoons as disease vectors, let alone the risk of MRSA in addition to HIV/AIDS.

Thank you for the name change too! Hope you're having a nice day (:

posted 2832 days ago

Thank you so much for the skeletons, I have experience with IM and IV injection procedures and will try to emphasize harm reduction in any way possible. I *really* appreciate the help with the coding and the generation of skeletons, I know you must be so busy maintaining this site and it really means a lot to me to receive this open armed response.

posted 2834 days ago

Hi there! I stumbled across this wiki a year or so ago (and have been citing it extensively since) but only recently made an account, in hopes of contributing. In the spirit of harm reduction, I wanted to propose a page dedicated to cocaethylene, or rather the byproduct of the simultaneous metabolization of cocaine and ethanol. Such a page could be linked from the cocaine and alcohol pages to encourage safe practices.

posted 2838 days ago

Thank you for editing it! I am a bit rusty on the formatting but I hope to get better as I contribute more. I greatly appreciate you moving it over and fixing it up for me, I hope it wasn't too much of a burden as I think these reports need to be made public ASAP. I'm not being a guinea pig for nothing.

I just submitted another report, please let me know if there is anything I can improve upon to help the community further.

Thank you!

posted 2866 days ago

Proofreading: The article "Dream" doesn't contain any wrong information. As you may have noticed I'm not the best with spelling so I will mainly focus on the content. I'm not sure if this article needs more content. That will eventually turn out once the Oneironautics portal increases.

By the way, Jovop did also proofread the article (I think mostly for spelling).

posted 2866 days ago

Proofreading: The article "Dream" doesn't contain any wrong information. As you may have noticed I'm not the best with spelling so I will mainly focus on the content. I'm not sure if this article needs more content. That will eventually turn out once the Oneironautics portal increases.

By the way, Jovop did also proofread the article (I think mostly for spelling).