Still blue-lit bedroom, spirits softly speak in wisps,
Like under the willow's weep, the spectres cry. Opaque, the merlot-wine stained draught layed, Hands of weakness, the loom had begat dreadfulness.
The murmurs of the wisps, neath the still, Invigorated by vials, they spake onto me, "Consume this potion to have our minds." In the realm of the flesh, humanity loomed.
and yet.
On the edge, the union of the real and the mind can shatter, As the heaven and Earth in communion, so did reality commune. Yet within his very own gauntlet lingered that loathsome elixir, A perishing scent, their souls it did stir and his did wail.
His countenance bellowed, a cry to retreat, Yet the flask held its charms, extirpating destiny, Invigorating the fate. The cork-stop bursts. Deaths' sharp spikes, putridity’s powerful bite,
a slow dripping ether, a river of honey.
Gazing down at the husk, a pale, lifeless shell, Where his joys and griefs twined, there was a dead morsel. The vastness of nothing, there was a vessel of despair, "What hast I wrought?" echoed, a silent prayer.
Violently pulled through the aether, reunited A return to the cold flesh and blood, yet to the safety of the realm. Gasping anew, the vial's grip did wane, yet death's coming was waxing, "What is real is true, but Truth did not walk in the halls of reality"
"I am awake"
"I have seen the Tree of Knowledge"
And then an eternal hunger had loomed.
Duro-Tuss Dry Cough Forte
Robotussin Dry Cough Forte
Lord P.Dextromethorphan the IIIrd, Consumer of Psychoactive Concoctions of Dissociation
Cough and Cold Isle located within Priceline Pharmacy,
- Several hours of lurking on
- Rang & Dale's Ninth Edition to Pharmacology