What is Addressing Bias? Addressing bias is an important part of building more inclusive workplaces. It starts with being aware of the unconscious biases we all have and critically examining them.
One example is anchor bias, NR 505 Week 7 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Outline an employee’s initial perception of a candidate can affect their overall judgment of their skills and abilities. This is a common form of unconscious bias.
NR 505 Week 7 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal A variety of workshops and trainings are available to address unconscious bias, or UB. The goal is to help people become more aware of the irrational prejudices they may not realize they have. Examples of bias include affinity bias (people tend to gravitate toward those similar to themselves), confirmation bias (focusing on information that reinforces existing beliefs) and ability bias (restricting job opportunities to those with physical or mental abilities).
To combat implicit bias, NR 512 Week 5 HealthIT Topic of Week Assignment can hold UB training sessions or create safe spaces for discussion. This is a great way to expose hidden biases and encourage people to consider alternative viewpoints, such as the idea that a woman with young children might not be able to focus on work-related tasks or that a person with a disability should not be considered for a management role.
NR 512 Week 5 HealthIT Topic of Week Assignment The FierceEMR and FierceHealthIT Hot Topic of the Week assignment must be a professional, scholarly prepared PowerPoint narrated presentation of 8-10 slides including at least three scholarly references. Students will summarize the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner and include pros and cons.
Addressing bias requires a great deal of awareness and critical thinking. It can be helpful to identify unconscious biases through tests, such as the Implicit Association Test (IAT), and to seek out media that promotes diversity and inclusion.
Another way to mitigate bias is to use the NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper Hunt as a learning tool and to incorporate the concepts of Project Management into your nurse practitioner roles. By implementing these skills in your everyday work, you will be more prepared to address the issues related to EHR fraud, risks, and challenges that affect the nursing profession. This will ultimately lead to a safer and more efficient healthcare system.
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper Affinity bias is the tendency to favor people similar to oneself, for example, an employee who likes jazz music may view other jazz lovers more favorably. Attribution bias is another form of bias, when a person makes a judgment about someone else without considering internal and external factors. For example, when an employee judges a coworker who is late for work as lazy or lacking motivation instead of considering that the person could have been sick or involved in a traffic accident.
Unconscious bias training, like that provided by Microsoft, teaches participants to identify their own biased thinking patterns. The training uses videos to NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction examples of bias, such as declining to pair a woman with a male colleague because of her young children or assuming that a gay man does not have the technical skills needed to lead a project. The training also teaches best practices to overcome bias, such as calling out stereotyped views, gathering more individualized information about people, reflecting on counterstereotypical examples, and increasing interactions with different types of people.
NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction Implicit bias is a hidden and for the most part unconscious inclination to favor people who are like us over those who are not. It can result from modeled behavior as well as other experiences. While many persons believe that they are not biased, a simple test can reveal otherwise. A bias checklist can be used by educators to uncover bias in their teaching materials. Bringing the bias checklist to a NR 500 Week 3 Addressing Bias meeting or introducing it to a class is one way of promoting discussion about this topic.
Master’s-prepared advanced nurse practitioners face complex ethical pressures in healthcare settings and need to understand their own implicit and explicit personal biases. Bias can lead to disparities in care and can damage trust between nurses and patients. It is important for nurses to be aware of their biases and to take steps to address them in order to provide quality care. NR 537 is an online course in which students complete a self-inventory on their own personal biases, whether implicit or explicit.