Experience:700mg - Joining the 700 club

Experience reports - DPH


This is a 700 mg dose of DPH taken at night in a dimmed room.

Anyways, I'll start with the first time I joined the 700 club, I took 700 mg of DPH at night with the lights dimmed, I layed in my bed and after not too long the first physical effects take hold, I get up and I notice it feels like gravity was turned up 50 times, its very hard to move, and it feels like your carrying weights on your ankles. The second physical effect I noticed was a rapid drying of the mouth and mucous membranes, and slightly upset stomach (but thats from eating 24 pills). Slowly the cognitive effects and the other physical effects begin to take hold, the physical effects experienced at this point are the previous ones only more intense and total loss of fine and gross motor control, slurred incoherent speech, sensitivity to light, sound, and especially sudden stimuli (like its 10 times easier to jump and get startled, and often happens from the hallucinations), strange sensations of electric shock (I had my laptop battery on the bed and I was totally conviced it had shocked me) extreme sedation, often to the point where you cant keep your head up even while walking. So as if the frequent urination isn't enough, its also a stop and go deal, meaning you have to force it out in short bursts even though it seems like you could stand there forever. This is also another thing I don't see many people discuss, and I'm not entirely sure the reasoning behind it, but everytime I'd look at the toilet it had more intense visual static and movement then ANY other object, and this was VERY consistent during the 7 times I did it, the toilet bowl was just buzzing with movement and visual snow/black spider dots.

Alright, so I get back in my room and I lay down and I see a rat in my closet, so I start freaking out because I see this solid rat and I keep blinking and its still there, so I go to the other room dizzy and confused trying to find my cat because it seemed logical at the time to bring my cat in to take care of the rat, anyways I thought I saw my cat but it was the shadow of the lamp, I then fell down and slowly regained my balance, once I got back to my bedroom the rat was STILL there so that really was freaking me out, but for some reason I guess I sorta forgot about it because I layed back down then I remembered it and looked over and the "rat" was a damn slipper, I then realize I just tried to chase down my cat to get rid of a hallucination. So I'm just like, fuck this shit, and dose out into a rapid REM like dream state that is extremely vivid, to the point where when someone talks to you and expects you to respond you often answer in real life, and as a result snap back into reality, often finishing a jumbled nonsensical sentence, this repeats itself over and over one vivid microsleep hypnagogic state after the other until either a hallucination wakes you up or you have to piss. These "REM like microsleep daydreams" are very similar to hallucinatory states found on LSA but instead of lucidity its delerium. They are different then hallucinatory states found on other drugs like ayahuasca however as they didn't seem to draw on concepts that weren't already present in a persons life, and usually it everyday actions and conversations, as opposed to the wild and mystical landscapes of other hallucinatory states.

When you weren't flipping through mundane situations in a completely realistic way, you where staring at the ceiling, because it caused more intense visual drifting then psychedelics do, however many times more blurry and ill defined, however due to this blurriness it appears to be more depth defying, however psychedelics produce a greater form of this distortion, the dph form is more noticeable and I guess you'd say realistic, this is also accomponied by objects drifting from their present location and totally shifting and distorting form and shape in an extremely fluid fashion. This also is accomponied by wild flowing of wood grain and certain textures, this again while isn't as intricate and detailed as psychedelics, was more noticeable, inescapeable and realistic. Pictures frames would also wildly bend and distort in a fluid fashion thats more similar to mushrooms then lsd or dxm. I haven't even gotten to the spiders yet. I have seen so many forms of different spiders on DPH, one time a yellow/black spider came down right in front of my face just floating mid air, and of course theres the famous black dots that race across non stop that people like to call "spiders", these dots look exactly like the black dots you see when you get lightheaded and "See stars" as they call it, I've seen these dots cover entire surfaces, and they dance about in a very random pattern, and the thing is that isn't like most other hallucinations, you can stare at these dots and follow them with your eyes and they never really go away. One thing I have to say though is DPH probably has the absolute worst HPPD of the other hallucinogens, after 7 times It took nearly 2 years before I stopped seeing spots and visual snow constantly in my vision, and even then it pretty much just got replaced by LSD HPPD, I can still see the snow if I really look, especially if I'm high. I have also seen my brother morph out of the top corner of my ceiling in full realism, had my mother walk in even though my friend owned the house I was in, so I was naturally like WTF are you doing here. I don't smoke Cigs but I've had phantom bowls, OH another one of the WEIRDEST hallucinations I get on DPH and this is a big one, I have a tv that doesn't even have cable plugged into it in my bedroom, and this is pretty consistent for me, I remember laying there consistently watching tv a great deal with full audio that seemed to sync up with the visual broadcast, before I realize that tv isn't even plugged in, that one always got me when I did DPH. Another one is flying insects like mainly wasps, I always saw wasps. They would swarm and buzz and pounce at my ceiling, and I even heard them true. The thing with dph Is the hallucinations freaked me out so much, I got into the habit of using a camera to take pictures to verify if its even real, and on atleast one occasion I hallucinated the hallucination it the picture aswell...because next day I looked at the same pic and it was blank. I've also walked into rooms and just stood there blanking out into nothingness.

Ok I actually can handle and enjoy the solid indifferentiable from reality hallucinations, and I enjoy the almost psychedelic like distortions, but what I can NOT stand is the physical and cognitive effects, the visuals however are pretty neat. I just wish It didn't have those other effects attatched, those include; Total lack of emotion, like I'm not totally terrified of the hallucinations because I have like a poker face the entire time, and its total lack of emotion at best. The whole impending doom and depression thing, I took such high doses that I was so zonked out I was pretty much a zombie, I was barely really in my body enough to feel it. I also get very high auditory hallucinations, I think the only thing that even came close in terms of auditory effects was 25c-NBOME or San Pedro (mescaline). Actually, I remember how my trips used to usually go on dph, I would get the microsleep then hallucinatory states then dysphoria made it so I couldn't stand it, but eventually there was a point where the dysphoric effects went away but the hallucinations where still present. But btw this drug has a terrible hangover, it leaves you feeling edgey, lethargic, and drained the whole next day and it kind of reminds me of a stimulant comedown, but the day after I would also often breakout into swarms of black dots. I felt normal the day after that though.

Submitted by Cocoanatta

Effects analysis

  • Perception of increased weight - "I get up and I notice it feels like gravity was turned up 50 times, its very hard to move, and it feels like your carrying weights on your ankles."
  • Dehydration - "The second physical effect I noticed was a rapid drying of the mouth and mucous membranes"
  • Nausea - "slightly upset stomach (but thats from eating 24 pills)"
  • Motor control loss - "total loss of fine and gross motor control"
  • Language suppression - "slurred incoherent speech"
  • Photophobia and Auditory enhancements - "sensitivity to light, sound, and especially sudden stimuli"
  • Spontaneous tactile sensations - "strange sensations of electric shock"
  • Sedation - "to the point where you cant keep your head up even while walking"
  • Drifting - "the toilet it had more intense visual static and movement then ANY other object" "staring at the ceiling, because it caused more intense visual drifting then psychedelics do" "wild flowing of wood grain and certain textures"
  • External hallucination - "I see a rat in my closet, so I start freaking out because I see this solid rat and I keep blinking and its still there" " I thought I saw my cat but it was the shadow of the lamp"
  • Delusion - "I go to the other room dizzy and confused trying to find my cat because it seemed logical at the time to bring my cat in to take care of the rat"