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2F-NENDCK structure.png
Chemical Nomenclature
Common names 2F-NENDCK, CanKet, Canberra Ketamine
Substitutive name 2-fluoro-N-ethylnordeschloroketamine, 2'-fluoro-2-oxo-phenylcyclohexylethylamine, 2'-fluoro-2-oxo PCE
Systematic name 2-(ethylamino)-2-(2-fluorophenyl)cyclohexan-1-one
Routes of Administration

WARNING: Always start with lower doses due to differences between individual body weight, tolerance, metabolism, and personal sensitivity. See responsible use section.

Bioavailability unknown
Threshold 5 - mg
Light 10 - 25 mg
Common 25 - 85 mg
Strong 85 - 130 mg
Heavy 130 mg +
Total 1.5 - 2.5 hours
Onset 15 - 35 minutes
Come up 20 - 40 minutes
Peak 50 - 80 minutes

Bioavailability unknown
Threshold 10 - mg
Light 20 - 50 mg
Common 50 - 90 mg
Strong 90 - 145 mg
Heavy 145 mg +
Total 1 - 1.5 hours
Onset 1 - 3 minutes
Come up 5 - 15 minutes
Peak 45 - 65 minutes
After effects 8 - 18 hours

DISCLAIMER: PW's dosage information is gathered from users and resources for educational purposes only. It is not a recommendation and should be verified with other sources for accuracy.

History and culture

2F-NENDCK (short for 2-fluoro-N–ethylnordeschloroketamine, also known as CanKET, 2’-fluoro-2-oxo-PCE or 2-FXE) is a novel synthetic dissociative drug was first identified in Canberra, Australia (2022) at Cantest, a legal anonymous substance testing site, Novel synthetic substances have been typically put under the category of "designer drug" CanKet (Canberra Ketamine) gained its name for its Ketamine like properties and effects. Canket has since been discovered being manufactured in laboratory's in mainland China and Taiwan. The original CanKet samples and many since have reportably came from sales at festivals and bush parties in the NSW mountain ranges specifically around the Brindabella mountain range. At CanTEST, 2F-NENDCK has been found numerous times in samples that were expected to be ketamine. According to CanTEST’s final evaluation, only 57% of the 81 samples expected to be ketamine actually contained ketamine as of April 2023. The remaining 43% of the 81 samples contained other dissociative drugs, including 2F-NENDCK, 2F-DCK, and tiletamine (a veterinary dissociative anaesthetic), as well as other psychoactive and non-psychoactive compounds. According to, a drug checking service in the US that analyses samples sent by mail, numerous samples sold as ketamine, FXE, 2F, MXE, 2F-DCK, and even heroin, fentanyl and ibogaine, actually contained 2F-NENDCK.


2F-NENDCK belongs to the arylcyclohexylamines category of substances, this category includes ketamine, PCP and other substances alike. 2F-NENDCK is remarkably simmilair to ketamine structually, it only differs in 2 points, 2F-NENDCK is also similar to FXE as it only differs in one point. ket/canket differences canket/FXE differences interactive 2F-NENDCK model



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there has been no official pharmacology or lab testing done on 2F-NENDCK.

Subjective effects

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Disclaimer: The effects listed below cite the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), an open research literature based on anecdotal user reports and the personal analyses of PsychonautWiki contributors. As a result, they should be viewed with a healthy degree of skepticism.

It is also worth noting that these effects will not necessarily occur in a predictable or reliable manner, although higher doses are more liable to induce the full spectrum of effects. Likewise, adverse effects become increasingly likely with higher doses and may include addiction, severe injury, or death ☠.



Physical Effects

along with the list of these effects, 2F-NENDCK has also been known to produce a next day hangover, typically leaving the user feeling quite "cloudy" and "foggy".

  • dizziness 2F-NENDCK can have dizzy/spinning head effects in moderate dosage. some users report difficulty walking.
  • sedation 2F-NENDCK has little sedation in lighter doses, but can induce ketamine like sedation in higher doses. 2F-NENDCK's sedation is closer related to heavy Cannabis couch lock.
  • motor control loss 2F-NENDCK in higher doses can induce lack of control of limbs and motor control, not quite to the same level or intensity as ketamine or even 2F-DCK
  • Dehydration no formal human lab testing has been done but reportabley users find themselves to be moderately dehydrated especially in higher doses.
  • tactile suppression 2F-NENDCK can suppress and numb the sense of touch, in higher doses it can reportabley generate full body "swooshing" feelings as if you are vibrating deeply.
  • pain relief Although 2F-NENDCK hasn't been known to be as numbing as ketamine, it still has been known to have light pain suppression and irritation relief
  • optical sliding The user's eyes may wiggle and shake (a condition known as nystagmus), particularly at higher doses, this typically creates trouble seeing and results in a fuzzy, blurry image.
  • increased salivation this seems to only be apparent when Insufflated.
  • Gustatory hallucination some users report gustatory hallucinations such as a metallic taste.
  • Difficulty urinating As like ketamine or even 2F-DCK, 2F-NENDCK often induces Difficulty urinating and some even report a stinging pain. not enough is known to say for sure but it is suspected it could have potential long term effects on the bladder, This is known as Ketamine Bladder
  • orgasm suppression
  • Decreased libido
  • Physical autonomy Relatively uncommon, but may occur in some users. Users may feel as if their body is performing gestures and movements outside of their own control.

Visual Effects


There isn't any notable visual enhancements while using 2F-NENDCK.



there isn't much geometry hallucinatory effects, unlike ketamine, where users often experience, environmental cubism, environmental orbism, machinescapes. overall the 2F-NENDCK experience is less "deep and introspective" mentally and visually, where as ketamine can often produce outer worldly perceptions and hallucinations in higher doses.

Hallucinatory states

there isn't a notable level of internal and/or external hallucination unlike ketamine which has been known to have indescribable hallucinations both internally and externally.


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  • analysis suppression although 2F-NENDCK can produce a "cloudy" and "hazy" mind state, it is quite light compared to ketamine and is typically only experienced in higher doses.
  • anxiety suppression anxiety suppression can be found in light to moderate doses, althought in higher doses it can create some anxiety and fear based off your set and setting.
  • cognitive euphoria users report a moderate level of euphoria, although it is quite timid compared to ketamine.
  • compulsive redosing users typically report compulsive redosing due to its short duration, fast onset and overall "weaker" experience compared to ketamine.
  • deja vu some light Deja vu can be experienced in moderate doses.
  • delusion
  • derealization
  • focus suppresion The ability to focus on a single task or object may be strongly suppressed. Its mental effect can be described as "scattering" and "non-linear"; occurs alongside analysis suppression. 2F-NENDCK can also be experienced as a general "lose" feeling.
  • immersion enhancement there is often a feeling of being somewhere else, for example, if you were watching a video of someone on a farm, you might feel as if you are there, in that farm. this is typically found in higher doses.
  • increased music appreciation
  • spatial disorientation
  • time distortion in higher doses it can typically induce time distortion, not to the same intensity of ketamine.


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Experience reports

there are no notable trip reports online.

Toxicity and harm potential


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As a result, it may contain incomplete or even dangerously wrong information! You can help by expanding upon or correcting it.
Note: Always conduct independent research and use harm reduction practices if using this substance.

It is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices when using this substance, also learn about responsible drug use before using this and any psychoactive substance.

Lethal dosage

there has been no documented lethal dose for 2F-NENDCK.

Tolerance and addiction potential

Dangerous interactions


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Warning: Many psychoactive substances that are reasonably safe to use on their own can suddenly become dangerous and even life-threatening when combined with certain other substances. The following list provides some known dangerous interactions (although it is not guaranteed to include all of them).

Always conduct independent research (e.g. Google, DuckDuckGo, PubMed) to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe to consume. Some of the listed interactions have been sourced from TripSit. there has not been enough formal research into 2F-NENDCK to confidently say what the dangerous interactions are, here is the dangerous interactions for ketamine for reference.

  • Alcohol - Both substances cause ataxia and bring a very high risk of vomiting and unconsciousness. If the user falls unconscious while under the influence there is a severe risk of vomit aspiration if they are not placed in the recovery position.
  • GHB / GBL - Both substances cause ataxia and bring a risk of vomiting and unconsciousness. If the user falls unconscious while under the influence there is a severe risk of vomit aspiration if they are not placed in the recovery position.
  • Opioids - Both substances bring a risk of vomiting and unconsciousness. If the user falls unconscious while under the influence there is a severe risk of vomit aspiration if they are not placed in the recovery position.
  • Tramadol - Tramadol lowers the seizure threshold. Both substances increase the risk of vomiting and unconsciousness.
  • Amphetamines - No unexpected interactions, though likely to increase blood pressure (likely not an issue with sensible doses). Moving around on high doses of this combination may be ill-advised due to risk of physical injury.
  • Cocaine - No unexpected interactions, though likely to increase blood pressure (likely not an issue with sensible doses). Moving around on high doses of this combination may be ill-advised due to risk of physical injury.
  • Benzodiazepines - Both substances potentiate the ataxia and sedation caused by the other and can lead to unexpected loss of consciousness at high doses. While unconscious, vomit aspiration is a risk if the user is not placed in the recovery position.
  • MAOIs - MAO-B inhibitors appear to increase the potency of ketamine. MAO-A inhibitors have some negative reports associated with the combination but there isn't much information available
  • Trazodone - When used as a sleep aid and taken close to that of a dose of ketamine, there is a risk of respiratory depression when high amounts of either are consumed.
  • Grapefruit - Grapefruit juice significantly increases oral absorption of ketamine. This may result in the user having double the concentration of ketamine in their system compared to normal. The ketamine may also have a longer duration of effect. This likely applies to oral, sublingual, and intranasal administration.

Legal status


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as of April 2024 2F-NENDCK is unscheduled in Australia. see controlled substance list for up to date information.

See also

External links

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