Experience:2 hits of LSD + weed - Mindfuck

Experience reports - LSD and Cannabis

  • Dosage: 2 tabs of LSD (~200mics) and 4 bowls of Cannabis (~.8g)


Currently writing this at a 3/10 in terms of highness. Being stoned helps me reflect upon some things when trying to recollect memories.

Alright, well damn, this was sure a trip that changed me and my views upon life. Acid is such an interesting substance, it really does open doors to your mind that you never thought could be opened. It's pretty fun to know that, with the common doses of today, there is nothing similar to the doses that the old 60's and 70's people were doing. It was obviously much more potent back then, and some people have done massive doses, including thumbprint doses, which involves sticking your thumb into pure crystalline LSD and licking it. Someone told me that's around a couple hundred hits? Not sure, but that's insane. Anyways, enough rambling, onto the report.

Keep in mind, the night before this I did 1 tab and smoked some, getting to bed around 3 AM, so I definitely had a bit of a tolerance when dosing the L, aswell as a semi-tired state of mind. T'was a good trip. But, I realized that trips shouldn't be done consecutively like that, and I indeed learned my lesson. I will respect the L much more from now on, and I am starting to meditate days before my trips.

Alright, finally, the trip. So it all started out with me at my house, by myself, and I planned on having two other friends over later that day. They knew I was tripping and were going to just chill with me. I dropped both tabs at around 1, and the effects were kicking in after an hour. Got the usual 'wavy' feeling when looking everywhere, as well as the thought acceleration. I started peaking after about another 30 minutes, and shit was intense. A random thought, but the acid comeup can almost be described as the THX logo building up in intensity, but a much slower rate, and you can feel it throughout your whole body, as well as hear it. Anyways, I just chilled in my house, tripping off everything I could look at, feeling stimulated, listening to music and just having a great time. I realized I felt extremely happy and euphoric, and have never felt so happy in my life. Also, throughout the whole trip but mainly in the peak, I felt so connected to the universe, and I really felt like I was connected to a higher consciousness, as if I understood 'the big picture.' It was deja-vu like. Hard to explain. Then, I decided that I should go smoke some weed, to have even more fun.

So I get outside, and smoke about 4 bowls of some decent bud. I had a tolerance at the time, but 4 bowls was enough to get me baked. 8/10 probably. Anyways, I smoke, get back inside, put my shit away and then go back to my normal tripping. This is when the mindfuck really kicks in. So I continue my tripping with music and stuff, and decide to turn off my music and sit down. I saw semi-detailed CEV's with eyes closed as well as some strange OEV's. As I looked into the blinds of my window, which were closed, I saw cubical OEV's, transparent in color, lining upon the blinds. They're kind of like floaters, but cubical, and they stood still. As I watched the trees outside, every single leaf and branch moved and flowed in perfect unison. Utterly amazing. I looked at myself in the mirror, watching my pupils dance in size. Anyways, as all this is happening, I realized I am starting to 'loop' sort of, repeating some actions which include:

  • Walking down stairs, walking around the house, then walking upstairs.
  • Going to refill my water only to realize it is still full.
  • Other random things, nothing too crazy

As I am looping, I can still feel the 'comeup' feeling of acid, impossible to describe but can only be understood when one has taken it. Anyways, I kind of realize, the loop was getting worse and worse, however there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it. Thankfully, I was in a good setting at my house, so I had no worries of acting strange. I started to loop extremely badly, such as, checking my phone, then putting it down, then thinking, then checking my phone, then putting it down...etc and so on. The loop was like my mind racing a million miles a second, it's like thinking of thought A, then thinking of thought B, then thought C, then realizing I'm getting off track and try to track my thoughts back to thought A, when I could barely remember it. It's sooo hard to explain. The entire time, it felt very cyclic. It was a cycle, and I knew I was looping the entire time, but there was nothing I could do about it. This was accompanied with extreme deja vu and extreme confusion. I could not handle anything and could do nothing but sit there and just loop think. Every few seconds it would repeat, with a higher intensity to it. As I hit the peak of each loop, I get this strange feeling, and then it just restarts. (This is all while peaking still)

Anyways, my friends come over and I'm still looping extremely hard. The looping I experienced was possible ego-loss. It's nearly impossible to describe this loop. But, if anyone reading this has had one, it's kind of like you cycle through loops, while hearing or experiencing the 'wahwahWAH' in the background. Hard to explain.

We decide to go to Starbucks, and I believe that is what helped me sober out of the loop. I was still looping a little at Starbucks, but not as crazy as I was earlier. Still tripping, nothing too much, just intense visual distortions. After this, the trip really isn't much more crazy. I am coming down after that, so me and my friends get food (Which I didn't eat anything) then goto the beach to end the day. After this, I go home, and struggle to fall asleep for about an hour, and then finally sleep.

Submitted by - Xdenwpi

Effects analysis

  • Geometry - "I saw semi-detailed CEV's with eyes closed..."
  • Unity and interconnectedness - "Also, throughout the whole trip but mainly in the peak, I felt so connected to the universe, and I really felt like I was connected to a higher consciousness, as if I understood 'the big picture.'"
  • Spontaneous tactile sensations - "A random thought, but the acid comeup can almost be described as the THX logo building up in intensity, but a much slower rate, and you can feel it throughout your whole body, as well as hear it."
  • Stimulation - "feeling stimulated..."
  • Pupil dilation - "I looked at myself in the mirror, watching my pupils dance in size."
  • Thought loops - "I started to loop extremely badly..."
  • Drifting - "As I watched the trees outside, every single leaf and branch moved and flowed in perfect unison." "Got the usual 'wavy' feeling when looking everywhere..."
  • Déjà vu - "It was deja-vu like."