
Psychoactive Substances that Mimic Psychiatric Disorders

Dissociatives & Cannabis - Schizophrenia

Shared effects/phenotypes associated with dissociatives, marijuana, and schizophrenia
Dissociatives Cannabis Schizophrenia/Schizotypy
Personal meaning enhancement Personal meaning enhancement Positive symptoms of schizophrenia and schizotypy are associated with & thought to be caused by aberrant salience (the scientific term for personal meaning enhancement)[1]
Paranoia Paranoia Paranoia considered to be diagnostic of schizophrenia spectrum disorders [2]
Creativity enhancement Creativity enhancement A massive body of evidence shows a robust association with schizophrenia, schizotypy, and creativity [3]
Auditory hallucinations Auditory hallucinations Auditory hallucinations [4]
Delusion Delusion Delusion [5]
Auditory and visual suppression Auditory and visual suppression Schizophrenia associated with reduced sensory abilities [6]
Empathy enhancement Empathy enhancement Positive symptoms of schizophrenia and schizotypy associated with dysfunctionally increased cognitive empathy[7]
Pain relief Pain relief Schizophrenia associated with reduced sensitivity to pain [8]
Depersonalization & Derealization Depersonalization && Derealization Dissociation & depersonalization associated with schizotypy & schizophrenia [9]
Motivation suppression Motivation suppression Reduced motivation considered central to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia [10]
NMDA antagonism Cannabinoid receptor agonism Schizophrenia associated with reduced NMDA receptor activation and increased endocannabinoid activity [11]

Stimulants - Narcissistic personality disorder

Shared effects/phenotypes of stimulants and narcissism/narcissistic personality disorder
Stimulants Narcissism/NPD
Ego inflation Ego inflation [12]
Sociability enhancement Increased sociability associated with narcissism [13]
Increased libido Increased sex drive and pursuit of sexual partners associated with narcissism [14]
Motivation enhancement Narcissism associated with increased motivation [15]
Cognitive euphoria Grandiose narcissism associated with increased positive emotionality [16]
Disinhibition Narcissism associated with behavioral disinhibition [17]
Irritability Narcissism associated with irritability and an increased proneness to anger [18]
Paranoia Narcissism associated with paranoia [19]
Increase activity in dopaminergic system Narcissism associated with increased extraversion[20], impulsivity [21], aggression [22], achievement striving [23], and sociosexuality [24] which are all underpinned by activity in the dopaminergic value coding system [25]
  1. The Aberrant Salience Inventory: A New Measure of Psychosis Proneness |
  2. Schizotypal personality disorder: A current review |
  3. Imagination in human social cognition, autism, and psychotic-affective conditions |
  4. Psychosis and autism as diametrical disorders of the social brain |
  5. Psychosis and autism as diametrical disorders of the social brain |
  6. Imagination in human social cognition, autism, and psychotic-affective conditions |
  7. Psychosis and autism as diametrical disorders of the social brain |
  8. Decreased pain sensitivity among people with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of experimental pain induction studies |
  9. Dissociative Experiences in Hypothetically Psychosis-Prone College Students|]]
  10. Amotivation as central to negative schizotypy and their predictive value for happiness |
  11. Comparative psychopharmacology of autism and psychotic-affective disorders suggests new targets for treatment |
  12. A Principal-Components Analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and Further Evidence of Its Construct Validity|
  13. Narcissism between facets and domains. The relationships between two types of narcissism and aspects of the Big Five|
  14. Four shades of sexual fantasies linked to the Dark Triad|
  15. On being eager and uninhibited: Narcissism and approach–avoidance motivation|
  16. Narcissism between facets and domains. The relationships between two types of narcissism and aspects of the Big Five|
  17. On being eager and uninhibited: Narcissism and approach–avoidance motivation|
  18. Initial construction and validation of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory.|
  19. The targets of all treachery: Delusional ideation, paranoia, and the need for uniqueness as mediators between two forms of narcissism and conspiracy beliefs|file:///C:/Users/Margaret/Downloads/targets_of_all_treachery_manuscript_accepted.pdf
  20. Narcissism between facets and domains. The relationships between two types of narcissism and aspects of the Big Five|
  21. On being eager and uninhibited: Narcissism and approach–avoidance motivation|
  22. Aggression, narcissism, self-esteem, and the attribution of desirable and humanizing traits to self versus others|
  23. On being eager and uninhibited: Narcissism and approach–avoidance motivation|
  24. Four shades of sexual fantasies linked to the Dark Triad|
  25. The neuromodulator of exploration: A unifying theory of the role of dopamine in personality|,dopamine%20remains%20an%20open%20question.