Experience: 80mg EPT - Slight improvement
- Date: March 4/5 2017
- Gender: Male
- Weight: 165 lbs
- Age: 24
- Background: Second time trying EPT, and I didn't have high spirits going into this. The first time was a tremendous letdown, so I thought I'd give it one more try. The burn and drip the first time was fucking sacrilegious, so I thought I'd try a different ROA. Oral clearly wouldn't take me anywhere, so I swallowed my pride and tried plugging it. (I just said "try" a lot)
I weigh out 80 mg of EPT, and it's none of your business. I do the deed.
- Start - I need to poop.
- 5 min - I need to shit.
- 10 min - Fully tripping, can barely breathe, the body load is so intense, kind of hard to bare. Some OEV, the drapes seem to be exhibiting 3-Dimensional textures, which freaks me out because I didn't expect any of this. I close my eyes, and it's the most aggressive confetti you can imagine. Endless colors, extremely bright, I would swear I felt the static touching me.
- 20 min - Sustained feelings, but I look at the timer and I was sure it had been an hour since I last checked it. Not remotely.
- 30-45 - It mostly trailed off around 40 min after I started, but there's still plenty of pattern recognition and symmetrical texture repetition.
- 1 hour - I feel very hungry, like I hadn't eaten in a day. Faint visuals remain for a while.
- 3 hours Definitely over with, a bit wired.
Overall a much more positive experience than the last time. I honestly used the last I had this time, so it'll hard to pare it down to an appropriate dose. I'm taking a break from this for now.
Effects analysis
- Internal hallucination Neon gridwork, along with really bright, colorful static
- Drifting A lot of breathing
- Diffraction
- Geometry I still don't understand the ranking. It made several appearances.
- Pattern recognition enhancement
- Symmetrical texture repetition This goes without saying
- 3-Dimensional textures Weak, but I genuinely didn't expect it
- Time distortion Time felt longer, by a lot
- Perception of bodily lightness
- Motor control loss
- Nausea Mild