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Summary sheet: DiPT
Chemical Nomenclature
Common names DiPT
Substitutive name N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine
Systematic name 3-[2-(Diisopropylamino)ethyl]indole
Class Membership
Psychoactive class Psychedelic
Chemical class Tryptamine
Routes of Administration

WARNING: Always start with lower doses due to differences between individual body weight, tolerance, metabolism, and personal sensitivity. See responsible use section.

Threshold 5 mg
Light 10 - 15 mg
Common 15 - 20 mg
Strong 20 - 30 mg
Heavy 30 mg +
Total 15 - 60 minutes
Onset 5 - 15 minutes
Threshold 15 mg
Light 15 - 30 mg
Common 30 - 75 mg
Strong 75 - 150 mg
Heavy 150 mg +
Total 3 - 6 hours
Onset 30 - 60 minutes
After effects 2 - 4 hours

DISCLAIMER: PW's dosage information is gathered from users and resources for educational purposes only. It is not a recommendation and should be verified with other sources for accuracy.


N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (also known as Diisopropyltryptamine and DiPT) is a lesser-known psychedelic substance of the tryptamine class. It is a structural analog of DMT and related to various psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-HO-DiPT, 5-MeO-DiPT, and MiPT.

The first human trials of DiPT were undertaken in 1975 by Alexander Shulgin,[1] who would co-author and publish a paper detailing its synthesis and human psychopharmacology in 1981.[2] A summary of the synthesis and reports of human use is included in Shulgin's 1997 book TiHKAL ("Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved").[3] It has been sold online as a research chemical.

While most psychedelics are known for producing vivid visual distortions, DiPT's effects are reported to be primarily auditory in nature. Anecdotal reports have described it causing a downward shift in perceived pitch and other unusual distortions. It has been suggested that DiPT may have value in neurological research due to its unique effects on auditory perception.[citation needed] Additional subjective effects of DiPT include a body high, moderate euphoria, mild visuals, dizziness, and nausea.

Very little data exists about the pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity of DiPT, and it has a limited history of human use. It is highly advised to use harm reduction practices if using this substance.



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DiPT, or N,N-diisopropyltryptamine, is a synthetic indole alkaloid molecule of the tryptamine class. Tryptamines share a core structure comprised of a bicylic indole heterocycle attached at R3 to an amino group via an ethyl side chain.

DiPT also contains two isopropyl groups bound to the terminal amine RN of its tryptamine backbone. Isopropyl groups are a three carbon (propyl) chain bound at the middle carbon to the chemical structure. DiPT has substituted analogues such 5-MeO-DiPT.

DiPT is analogous to DMT, containing two isopropyl groups bound at RN instead of the two methyl groups found in DMT.



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Further information: Serotonergic psychedelic

The psychedelic effects of DiPT are believed to come from its efficacy at the 5-HT2A receptor. However, the role of these interactions and how they result in the psychedelic experience remains subject to on-going scientific investigation.

Subjective effects

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At medium and higher dosages, the effect of DiPT is typically a radical shift downward in perceived pitch.

Although DiPT's effects are primarily auditory, some users have reported lack of coordination or balance, stomach bloating, confusion, and visual distortions at higher doses. Aside from these, the most prevalent non-auditory effect is inner ear pressure (which has been painful in some instances such as when combined with MDMA).[citation needed]

Disclaimer: The effects listed below cite the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), an open research literature based on anecdotal user reports and the personal analyses of PsychonautWiki contributors. As a result, they should be viewed with a healthy degree of skepticism.

It is also worth noting that these effects will not necessarily occur in a predictable or reliable manner, although higher doses are more liable to induce the full spectrum of effects. Likewise, adverse effects become increasingly likely with higher doses and may include addiction, severe injury, or death ☠.

Auditory effects

Cognitive effects

Visual effects

Multi-sensory effects

After effects

Experience reports

There are currently no anecdotal reports which describe the effects of this compound within our experience index.

Additional experience reports can be found here:


One experiment involving subjects with perfect pitch indicated that there is no clear relationship between perceived pitch and actual pitch.[4]

Although recent unpublished research has examined the role of DiPT in hearing perception in rodents, it is not clear that the auditory effect is preserved in nonhuman species; this finding indicates that DiPT does not produce effects similar to other tryptamine psychedelics such as DPT and 5-MeO-DMT in acoustic startle reflex paradigms. DiPT still remains widely unexplored.

Toxicity and harm potential


This toxicity and harm potential section is a stub.

As a result, it may contain incomplete or even dangerously wrong information! You can help by expanding upon or correcting it.
Note: Always conduct independent research and use harm reduction practices if using this substance.

The toxicity and long-term health effects of recreational DiPT do not seem to have been studied in any scientific context and the exact toxic dose is unknown. This is because DiPT is a research chemical with very little history of human usage.

Anecdotal reports from those who have tried DiPT suggests that there are no negative health effects attributed to simply trying the drug by itself at low to moderate doses and using it very sparingly (but nothing can be completely guaranteed). Independent research should always be done to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe before consumption.

It is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices when using this drug.

As with many psychedelics, the use of DiPT has the potential to bring about long-lasting perceptual and psychological alterations. DiPT is known to chronically alter the perception of sound and talking, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Dependence and abuse potential

DiPT is not habit-forming and the desire to use it can actually decrease with use. It is most often self-regulating.

Tolerance to the effects of DiPT is built almost immediately after ingestion. After that, it takes about 3 days for the tolerance to be reduced to half and 7 days to be back at baseline (in the absence of further consumption). DiPT presents cross-tolerance with all psychedelics, meaning that after the consumption of DiPT all psychedelics will have a reduced effect.

Legal status

  • Germany: DiPT is controlled under the NpSG (New Psychoactive Substances Act)[5] as of July 18, 2019.[6] Production and import with the aim to place it on the market, administration to another person and trading is punishable. Possession is illegal but not penalized.[7]
  • Latvia: DiPT is a Schedule I controlled substance.[8]
  • New Zealand: DiPT is an analogue of DMT, so is a Class C controlled controlled substance in New Zealand.[9]
  • Sweden:Sweden's public health agency suggested classifying DiPT as a hazardous substance, on May 15, 2019.[10]
  • Switzerland: DiPT is not controlled under Buchstabe A, B, C and D. It could be considered legal.[11]
  • United Kingdom: DiPT is a Class A controlled substance in the United Kingdom as a result of the tryptamine catch-all clause.[12]
  • United States: DiPT is unscheduled in the United States. It may be considered an analogue of DET, a Schedule I compound under the Controlled Substances Act. As such, the sale for human consumption or the use for illicit non-medical or industrial intents and purposes could be prosecuted as crimes under the Federal Analogue Act.[13]
    • Florida: DiPT is a Schedule I controlled substance in the state of Florida. It is illegal to buy, sell, or possess.[14]

See also

External links



  1. Alexander Shulgin. Pharmacology Notes I (The Shulgin Lab Books) (PDF). Erowid. p. 177. 
  2. Shulgin, A. T.; Carter, M. F. (1980). "N, N-Diisopropyltryptamine (DIPT) and 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT). Two orally active tryptamine analogs with CNS activity". Communications in psychopharmacology. 4 (5): 363–369. ISSN 0145-5699. OCLC 3012956. PMID 6949674. 
  3. Shulgin, Alexander; Shulgin, Ann (1997). TiHKAL: The Continuation. United States: Transform Press. ISBN 0-9630096-9-9. OCLC 38503252. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Shulgin & Shulgin 1997, p. 403–406.
  5. "Anlage NpSG" (in German). Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz [Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection]. Retrieved December 10, 2019. 
  6. "Verordnung zur Änderung der Anlage des Neue-psychoaktive-Stoffe-Gesetzes und von Anlagen des Betäubungsmittelgesetzes" (PDF). Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2019 Teil I Nr. 27 (in German). Bundesanzeiger Verlag. July 17, 2019. pp. 1083–1094. Retrieved January 1, 2020. 
  7. "§ 4 NpSG" (in German). Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz [Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection]. Retrieved December 10, 2019. 
  8. "Noteikumi par Latvijā kontrolējamajām narkotiskajām vielām, psihotropajām vielām un prekursoriem" (in Latvian). VSIA Latvijas Vēstnesis. November 10, 2005. Retrieved January 1, 2020. 
  9. "Schedule 1 Class A controlled drugs". "Reprint as at 13 August 2019: Misuse of Drugs Act 1975". Parliamentary Counsel Office. Retrieved January 7, 2020. 
  10. "Folkhälsomyndigheten föreslår att 20 ämnen klassas som narkotika eller hälsofarlig vara" (in Swedish). Folkhälsomyndigheten [Public Health Agency]. May 15, 2019. 
  11. "Verordnung des EDI über die Verzeichnisse der Betäubungsmittel, psychotropen Stoffe, Vorläuferstoffe und Hilfschemikalien" (in German). Bundeskanzlei [Federal Chancellery of Switzerland]. Retrieved January 1, 2020. 
  12. "Part I: Class A Drugs". "Misuse of Drugs Act 1971". UK Government. Retrieved January 7, 2020. 
  13. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/813
  14. "The 2015 Florida Statutes - Chapter 893". The Florida Legislature. Retrieved July 18, 2020.